Masquerad at 6…

Fragmented face with purple birds in surreal artwork.
  • Twilights Engine 's avatar Artist
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More about Masquerad at 6…

It was a huge Tel-A-Vision event, everyone in the world was watching, everyone was glued to their screens and everyone knew exactly what to expect. But no one saw this one coming, no one would believe their own eyes. How was this even possible? It was the greatest deception act ever preformed live on Tel-A-Vision. It was happening right in front of the world. Who was this person? He was speaking boldly as a much younger man, a man from long ago a man with confidence and authority. Who was this counterfeit? He looked and sounded exactly like the one everyone knew him to be, except he wasn’t stumbling, he wasn’t forgetting anything or missing a beat. He wasn’t like the old fool everyone knew him to be, he was pulling it off perfectly. That was until the other man walked closer to him on the stage and notices a slight defect in the face, something wasn’t quite right, something didn’t smell right. Suddenly without warning he pulls and tears the almost perfect mask off of the actor live on stage so that the entire world can see and expose the fake live on Tel-A-Vision, but just as suddenly as the mask came off so was the live feed cut instantly, leaving everyone in suspense. What just happened? dPwOrKs2 group

Quote: “As I stared back at myself in the reflected grandeur of the room, I remembered what Mr. Kessler had told me: a good counterfeit is as much a work of art as the real thing.” by Kathleen Tessaro, Rare Objects


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