What Diamond

Serene Winter Landscape with Full Moon and Silhouettes
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More about What Diamond

Were I
to rub you
the wrong way,
what chaff may
be sloughed off
from the surface
of your BEing, and
as it may feel,
what diamond
may be revealed
at your core—
what's more,
after the chaffing,
where might one
polish to abolish
the last of that
which you
hold near
in fear
of revealing, truly,
your own brightness
and beauty into the world?

If I rub you the wrong
way, know it is
most likely
and may
perhaps, help
in the eventual
of the

In response, and inspired by a poem within the book, THE GIFT, Poems by HAFIZ, The Great Sufi Master, Translations by Daniel Ladinsky.

Certainly not to say I am a master or even an apprentice in any way of poetry or mystical insight—all is simply a creative endeavor to see what my own mind and heart may say of the poem, to try and put it into my own words, or simply to respond to the ideas set forth by HAFIZ, and translated by Daniel.

(My apologies, this footnote will be repeated as I intend, at least presently, to continue in this mode for awhile. I am quite curious how AI will interpret things and how I may work and play, tweek words and such to perhaps change the direction AI is taking, in the end, hopefully to make a dream worthwhile sharing.)


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