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IF WE want to achieve something ALL, who have visited here at least once, and have learned the latest information and (or) have learned how (not) angry God is now and what to expect TOMORROW - if there is a tomorrow. Here is a tattoo on Lucifer's chest. This hint was given to us by DDG AI - an American and an enemy. Why? Because it is STUPID - just as short-sighted are ALL its inventors, who are Russian Jews EVERYWHERE. One way or another - EVERYONE has a connection to Rashka. It is difficult to convince me of the rightness of Nazism, but the hard truth is that WE - Russians, in case of danger, are subject to the HERD effect ("everyone is running and I ran"). The herd effect was very strongly manifested when the entire population of the Earth was destroyed by one large meteorite, which allegedly killed the entire population of "dinosaurs" in Mexico. There is a five-six hour video of this asteroid falling to the earth and from above you can clearly see the whole Pacific Ocean laughing black and white FACE OF A CAT WITH A CURLED MUSTACHE - LIKE IN A FAIRY TALE. That's where the strike should have been - the boyars had a quarrel with someone, and the serfs had their forelocks torn off and everything else. Since the Earth was inhabited at that time by Big people without women and roughly speaking fucked each other, but this is just for fun and just gay EVERYTHING if mom
IF WE want to achieve something ALL, at least once came here, and got the latest information and (or) learned how much (not) angry God is now and what to expect TOMORROW - if tomorrow will be
daddy needs another child, then IT goes and gives the sperm to the uterus, which bears it with many others - each unique creation of the Lord in a vile environment
So why is there a two-headed snake on Lucifer's chest? Very simple - this is one of His sons and his name is Yormongand.