

#ducks #flower #river

Model: Artistic
Prompt:  An insanely hyperdetailed whimsical fantasical intricate detailed painting of a group of ducks; Appearance: the ducks are shown in dynamic poses, with each duck having its own unique expression and personality; Environment: a fantastical natural environment, with a picturesque pond surrounded by lush foliage and towering trees; Genres: fantasy, surrealism, wildlife; Styles: whimsical, colorful, intricate; Techniques: detailed brushwork, mixed media, digital painting; Lights: soft and warm, creating a dreamlike atmosphere; Colors: vibrant and saturated, featuring a wide range of blues, greens, and oranges; Descriptive terms: magical, playful, enchanting, surreal, intricate; Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: J.A.W. Cooper, Tran Nguyen, John Brosio, Sarah Joncas, Nicolas Delort; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, 8K 3D, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K resolution. Try
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