All wrap up for: Mummy's pets!

Ancient Egyptian-themed mummy centerpiece with sarcophagus, hieroglyphs, and puzzled dogs
  • Aanta's avatar Artist
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More about All wrap up for: Mummy's pets!

After vampire cats I thought I'd add another image inspired from silly horror movies and legends.
(Once again I had to edit results together and then run that again for the final image. This time I used two images the AI had previously made and only 10% so it would not drift off in some new direction. Too bad that the funny smile on the sarcophagus got lost - it's seen on the seed image, but the eyes of the mummy and 2 dogs got more shiny so I go with this one. NB: The prompts used varied a lot for the around 10 images I had the AI render before the one presented here.)


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