Kids and pots

Toddler in Pink Shirt Playing with Bowls and Plastic Fruits
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More about Kids and pots

In the kitchen, pots and pans
A child plays, with joy in hand
His mother watches, with love and care
As he bangs and clangs, without a care

The spoon is a drum, the pot a guitar
He sings and dances, near and far
His mother smiles, as he creates
A symphony of sound, that simply rates

As pure delight, and childhood joy
This moment will be forever deployed
In her memory, as a sweet reminder
Of the love and laughter, that they both kinder

So let the child play, and let the music flow
For this is the magic, that we all know
Brings joy and laughter, to our hearts and homes
And fills our lives, with love that roams.


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