Socks away

Colorful Mismatched Socks with Unicorn Design on Person Against Blue Sky
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As I sit and watch you play
I see you take your sock away
First one off, then the other too
I can't help but watch and wonder what you'll do

You wiggle your toes and smile with glee
As you toss the socks across the room, carefree
But as the night wears on, and bedtime draws near
I see you put your socks back on, with love and cheer

For even though you love to be barefoot and wild
You know it's time to sleep, and so you reconcile
With the cozy comfort of your socks at night
As you drift off to dreamland, everything feels just right

So go ahead and take your socks off, my little one
For every stage of life is a new kind of fun
But don't forget to put them back on before bed
For sweet dreams and a good night's rest are ahead.


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