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Happy Valentine's everyone! (It's the 14th already where I am.)
Over the last few weeks I've been idly trying to do something to post on Valentine's day, with varying levels of success, but if I give up on it looking like me then I have to admit this is pretty cool! I like the sense of lovelorn sadness and longing (or am I just projecting? Ha!)
I combined of one of my pictures input as 'Visual Prompt' (a Valentine's day themed photo + digital painting I did another year) combined with the end section of an excellently and impressively detailed prompt used by @Odi in the Dream linked below. Thanks Odi!
In my original picture I had myself holding a glass heart, but the apple might actually be more effective, because I think it probably does still work symbolically as a heart, with the addition of the reference to things like the Greek Myth of Atalanta and Hippomenes (or Diana and the Golden Apples) and of course the problematic Christian tradition of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. One could read all sorts into it, or nothing at all, but I'll leave that up to you.