Wave your Daughter Bye-bye

Classical Architectural Scene with Sculptures and Figures
  • Chandan Ahmad's avatar Artist
    Chandan Ah...
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    10mos ago
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More about Wave your Daughter Bye-bye

In this attempt, I am in liberty to assume that my all-time favourite illustrator/intaglio artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi played a rather dominant hand in the outcome.

Once again, I definitely enjoyed the end result as a visual, but I did not seem to find anything I had aimed for. So thus I shall leave it as is.

AS FOR THE TITLE of the work. I suppose you should be halve-familiar with the mythology related to the forementioned heroe and God.
And instead of a suffering Father begging for help; when I got so many people waving their hands... I just figured I would try my go at being cheeky.

I do not feel I shall be trying for this prompt any further. At least for some time being. As ı have lost my interest and actually now do have acceptable results.


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