Jesus Prayed Early In The Morning

Jesus Prayed Early In The Morning
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More about Jesus Prayed Early In The Morning

Sky Tabernacle message of the day- Spirit got me up this morning for today's daily devotional message - Why Pray? How do I Pray?
Because most of us find it hard to pray, we are fascinated with prayer. We want to pray; we see the need to pray; however, many have discovered that consistent prayer is hard.
We find it hard to pray because we are disappointed and angry with God. Life can be brutal. Hell, like the sun, can have hell-flares, eruptions of its fury and heat into our lives that leave us withered, confused, and disoriented with God.
We find it hard to pray because we sometimes feel like prayer is a waste of time. We pray, then nothing apparent changes. We think we have more important work to do than just sitting around and praying. We live in a "git 'er done" culture. Sitting around and praying can feel like a massive waste of time that could be better expended when we could be out doing something. We find it hard because prayer feels like one-way communication. We pour our hearts out to God, and we never seem to hear anything back from him. Who wants to make phone calls to someone who never responds to anything we've said, especially if we have poured our hearts out and seen little happen?
Pay attention to the moisture cloud-
Water and Spirit-
Proverbs 8:17-I love them that love me; and they that wake early to me, shall find me.
Psalm 63:1-8 KJV
O God, thou art My God; early will I seek thee: My soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee In a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, So as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy lovingkindness Is better than life, My lips shall praise thee.
So what is it about this prayer time that Jesus regularly had with the Father (Luke 5:16) that I want to incorporate into my life?
What can I do in prayer that allows me to be genuinely open to the Father's leading about my life and my life's mission?
I noticed two principles immediately in Mark's telling of this event.
First, Jesus planned and protected his prayer time. Jesus' prayer time was not an accident. It wasn't something he did while he had a free minute or two during the flow of the day. It didn't just happen. Mark carefully chooses his words to emphasize Jesus' intentional approach to his prayer life:
Very early
It was still dark
Jesus got up
[Jesus] went off
To a solitary place
Jesus intentionally made his move to pray. It was a planned move at a specific time.
Second, Jesus intentionally chose to pray in a place where he could protect his time with the Father. He made sure he could be alone with God! He went away from other people and went off to a solitary place.
If I am going to touch people's lives like Jesus did, I need to have some planned and protected prayer time each day.


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