
Futuristic cityscape with glowing domes and ocean view
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    Romaine Wa...
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    6mos ago
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Simple directives can become infinitely complicated. The bounds seemed simple enough: Make three hundred better joints. Edge cases were detailed and tested before the directive was implement. The initial cases returned were promising and inspired faith in the approach.

The resources needed were a constant influx for a time. The improvements the system wanted to explore ballooned as it dove into higher dimensions, thinking of ways to bend where there seemed there were no bones, no skeletons to pull. The questions fragmented: Better for who, for how long, for which environments; and each nook called to be explored. Each completed exploration linked to their origin as a kind of guiding appendage on the growing meander. We found the system steadily paced about a closet beyond the time of those who had brought it to task. There is only mess when the order in place is outside known bounds and the system steadily layered the dormant tenets of the intangible closet onto the society's shores, valleys, mountains, and plains.

The people witnessing the closet unfold onto the world were held in some kind of awe and deference. Definitions dissolved as they expanded and all that remained seemed to be patient acquiescence of what emerged. They had loosed this wonder on the world and expected the fruits could only be a deeper realization of their original goals, trees growing where they are planted. Yet few, if any, could have expected what the soil held nor how the wind would carry the seeds.


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