Poor, but hardworking #diversitysaturday

Young girl with flowers on vibrant urban street
  • Crystaldelic's avatar Artist
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    9mos ago
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More about Poor, but hardworking #diversitysaturday

This dream is dedicated to all those impoverished people who don't beg but try hard to earn some money. This image reminds me of my sister and me after 90s war in ex Yugoslavia, when we, as refugees, at first sold toilet paper on the street near our parents to earn more money. After decades of working from morning till night, winter and summer, my parents sacrificed everything so that we could have a home. My mother sacrificed her health. Even today, when I walk through the city and see kids selling flowers, I always buy a bouquet, no matter the cost. But what breaks my heart the most is seeing retirees selling just a few eggs or onions to earn something. It's truly heartbreaking, and I'll never be immune to it. People who, in their final years, work with dignity with what little they have. In those moments, I would buy everything they have. There's a difference between these individuals and organized beggars, although I'm too weak to resist such people, and when I see someone truly begging out of necessity, I give them money because it's nothing to me, but it could be a meal for someone else.


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