
Portrait of a Border Collie with black and white fur
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More about Charlie

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
His smile always made me grin,
He'd tilt his head over to one side,
His cheek puffed out as his lip
tucked in.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He was the brightest you've ever seen,
I'd wave my hands like a conductor
And he'd sing God Save the Queen

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He liked to savour his ice-cream,
He'd lick it ever oh so slowly
as if he was in a dream.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He liked to play with balloons,
He'd pick them up by the tie end
and carry them across the room.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
I remember how he made me laugh,
He'd stick his nose over the tub edge
when I was in there taking a bath.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He sat like a human, this I know,
He'd put his hind end up on one step
with his front paws on the step below.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He liked to play Catch the Ball,
It was the pats that he was after
and not the fetching game at all.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He was one incredible pup,
He'd coming trotting over to me
just as I thought of a walk.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He had the most expressive eyes,
You could tell what he was feeling,
There was no veil of disguise.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He had the softest ever fur,
I liked to lay my face within it,
It gave me such warm comfort.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
He had the fluffiest ever toes,
He'd pull the hair up in-between them
'til all he needed were fine silk bows.

I had a dog and his name was Charlie,
We were the very best of friends,
It is true that I Did Love Him
Right until the very end.

Poem, my own. SONG @riffusion


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