Electron in Omnipostition

Steampunk Structure with Glowing Infinity Symbol
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More about Electron in Omnipostition

Fundamental fixation on inadequate frame of the electron have lead us to believe that this charged particle is indeed a particle and not a field. This is due to the misplaced importance on the act of proof in observation.

This language in science is referred to a quantum super position. The idea that an observation solidifies a particles state, and can influence that same particle along with those entangled with it.

This field is expressed by collapsing the wave function in relation to the observers temporal state. This reflection then produces a result, however like many things in science instead of holding this result as tenuous, it is made for a basis of extrapolation.

This fixation on extrapolation leads to the development of language that cages ones creativity in understanding this observation. That will lead to policing others delivering a consequence in collective ignorance.

This understanding I don't claim to own, in fact this understanding it is that of others in the field, I believe to be correct. It is found true through my research, logical mind, creative mind, and intuition. To say were all connected isn't just a mystical statement it is also one of science.

Loved For Ever More,

PS. Our connections to one another are much deeper than many would care to admit. This isn't just a woo woo interpretation but one of natural science. TS+AB=11ov3


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