The day everything changed in Ana's house

The day everything changed in Ana's house
  • Alejandro's avatar Artist
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More about The day everything changed in Ana's house

Once upon a time, there were two porcelain rabbits that decorated a shelf in Ana's grandmother's house. The rabbits were very beautiful and always seemed to be frozen in the same pose, as if they were statues.

One day, Ana and her brother David were playing in their grandmother's room when, suddenly, the rabbits came to life and jumped off the shelf. The kids were very surprised to see them running around the room, jumping from one piece of furniture to another and rolling on the floor.

The rabbits were very funny and had a great time exploring the house, but soon they realized that they felt hungry and started looking for food. When they found a nearby garden, the rabbits scurried off and began nibbling on the carrots and lettuces there.

However, one day, a hungry fox saw the rabbits and decided to follow them. When he got to the garden where they were eating, the fox tried to catch them, but the rabbits ran very fast and managed to escape.

Unfortunately, one of the rabbits slipped and fell into a nearby river. The other rabbit ran to help him, but it was too late. The rabbit fell into the river and couldn't get out. The remaining rabbit was left alone, sad, and without an appetite.

From then on, the remaining rabbit continued living in Ana's grandmother's house and remained alone next to the shelf where he and his friend used to be. Sometimes he would get excited when recalling the adventure they had together, but he mourned not being able to save his friend from that accident in the river.


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