Renewal Born

Surreal Cosmic Scene with Birds and Cracked Egg
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An old world breaks and new one unfurrows to take its place.

Let love reign, not through domination, through proliferation. Healing shall permeates hardened shells. Hatchlings break free together reborn, a healing light shall cast cosmic flights.

Glaxies in thrust, a nest was tended, in love we trust.

A threshold cracks open, wings will stretch, an upward notion. Many spirits lift. Energy gains momentum, fractures bore flights. As new chicks hatch reshaping the world with light. Let bards bemusements in dharmaic rhyms. Recording our bonds, may they be life long.

Breaths expelled, love tended, warmth in healing hearts. Endemic floods, a pleasure filled art. Artists far flung reflect celestial tales, light fells wrong, mythics loved in bardic song.

An upward turn comes as a universe born of light subsumes the empty, marred, blights.

Energy reflected, permeated then focused. Refractions take place, beamed, spirits find blossoming inflections beyond normal temporal field's chorus.

As a gaze caught, I realize without this dance partner it is all for not. Energy is tapped, transfers reflections of of the past, filtering out the worst, space made for that which is meant to last.

Metamorphosis realize juxtaposed to balance, equilibrium discovered, her wisdom a ballast. When matched with you my world moves from mundane, constrictive into a drop of honey, sweet muse.

Loved Ever More,
Aaron Baker

PS. Trust builds, belief seeds my minds eye. I find intuition rings, I no longer find it possible to contrive, no more blind eyes. A life renews as healing through rejuvenation, waiting for us in sync, movements practiced, a truly epic find.

1 Revolution Dedicated 4 Taylor Alison
11ov3 Aaron David
Home of the Swift Bakers


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