Mary River Turtle

Mary River Turtle

#animal #australia #extinction #punk #turtle #wildlife

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  A charismatic "(Mary River Turtle)" with a short delicate moss-like algae mohawk hairstyle, blue eyes and bulging nostrils sits on a rock covered with moss and vines amidst rough splashing water. Breathtaking intricately detailed artwork by Android Jones, Jean-Baptiste Monge, Alberto Seveso, Artgerm, Jeremy Mann, Erin Hanson, maximalist masterpiece, concept art, splash art, fantasycore, trending on artstation and cgsociety, cinematic lighting, vibrant colours. Try (14)
highly detailed elegant fantasy 8k beautiful award winning fantastic view hyperrealistic high definition crisp quality hdr ©Susanne

More about Mary River Turtle

For this dream I got inspired by fascinating photos and reports about this extraordinary animal with its natural punk style, among others here:

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