Salvete! Je suis Chevalier Yvain de Leonais, Aventurier et Troubadour, Chevalier au lion, Guerrier, Philosophe et Poète, Chevalier de la table ronde, Comte de Malfette et Papincourt, Duc d'Anjou, Marquis de Brocéliande, Baron de Montmirail, un véritable chevalier de l'Ancien Code.
I'm from Germany and create Fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, High Fantasy, The Black Eye, RPGs), Science Fiction (Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Star Trek, Star Wars, Fallout, Postapocalyptic, Dystopian, Pulp), Horror/Mystery, Nature/Animals, Cats, Fantastic Beasts, Dragons, Maritime/Sailing Ships, Poems/Songs/Lyric, Humorous/Satirical/Weird, Biblical/Theological/Philosophical/Mythological, and Historic/Medieval artistic content as well as more cat-images. I hope you enjoy my works!
May the Inspiration be with You ... always! Chivalrous Greetings, Yours Chevalier Yvain de Leonais
IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't speak French. ;-) But German, Latin and English was okay, as well as some Ancient Greek, Sindarin Elvish, Minionese, Klingon or Ewokese if you want or a few phrases in Gaelic, Navajo, Japanese, Russian or French. :-D
Otherwise, Google Translate helps. :-)
I look forward to any messages and comments, and if you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, please write to me!
A Knight is sworn to valour!
His heart knows only virtue!
His blade defends the helpless!
His might upholds the weak!
His word speaks only truth!
His wrath undoes the wicked!
You can read my poems and stories at: