
Joined: Feb / 2020
Joined: Oct / 2020
My name is Angela and I'm from Canada. Embracing the dual realms...
Joined: Jun / 2020
Joined: Mar / 2017
I enjoy photography and use all of my own photos for DDG. I reall...
In my Dream gallery you'll find an eclectic assortment of creativ...
Joined: Jun / 2020
Joined: Sep / 2019
Principal Engineer in Silicon Photonic. Bass player in a punk ba...
Joined: Jun / 2020
I eat meat.
Joined: Jun / 2020
Joined: Sep / 2019
I like nature, landscapes, farms, and the New England sea coast....
Joined: Jun / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
A Deep Dreamer Traditional and digital artist Stand up Comedian...
I blame my time in Tumblr for anything I might know about art
Artist, progressive liberal, animal activist, volunteer, environ...
"No matter where you go, there you are!"
I'm a stagehand, videographer & horror/ SFX Makeup artist who fin...
My personality depends on how you treat me
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Apr / 2016
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jun / 2020
the only thing you can learn from life, it goes on.
learning new tricks . making desert like images for my minds appe...