Prompt: In the dark of night, I feel the ache
Of a love that's wrong, a bond that's fake
I'm tangled up in this bad romance
Caught in a web of our sweet, cruel dance
Your words are honey, but they sting like bees
I'm drawn to you, though I'm brought to my knees
You're a poison that I can't resist
A wicked game that leaves me in a twist
We're like fire and gasoline
A dangerous combination, a deadly scene
I know I should break free, but I'm trapped
In this twisted love that's been wrapped
Around my heart, a hold so tight
I can't escape, try as I might
You're the devil I can't resist
My bad romance, a love that persists
So I'll keep dancing with the devil
Succumbing to the flames, as they revel
In the passion that we both know
Is wrong, but we can't let go
My bad romance, my guilty pleasure
A love that's wrong, a love without measure
In the end, I'll pay the price
But for now, I'll keep dancing with vice.
Prompt: In the corner sits an old rocking chair,
It rocks and sways without a care.
It creaks and groans with every motion,
A cherished piece with much devotion.
Prompt: Warm sand, sun so bright,
Atlantic City's pure delight.
Boardwalk buzz, casinos gleam,
Life's a dream, or so it seems.
Bathing suits, laughter fills the air,
Beachside strolls, not a single care.
Saltwater taffy, ice cream sweet,
Delights for all, a summer's treat.
Seagulls soaring, waves crashing loud,
Thrills and games, a lively crowd.
Ocean breeze, warm sun-kissed skin,
Atlantic City, where fun begins.
Prompt: Daniel Boone, a pioneer bold,
A frontiersman with a spirit untold.
With coonskin cap and rifle by his side,
He explored the wilderness, far and wide.
Through forests dense and mountains tall,
He blazed a trail, conquering it all.
A skilled woodsman, a hunter keen,
Living off the land, his wilderness dream.
He faced the wild, the unknown vast,
With courage and grit that everlast.
A man of the wilderness, at home in the wild,
A legend of the frontier, nature's own child.
With his trusty axe, he carved his way,
Discovering lands, day by day.
A legend of the frontier, admired and true,
Daniel Boone, a pioneer through and through.
Prompt: Amidst the fields of emerald green,
A blooming scene like none you've seen.
The trees, adorned in buds of white,
Awakened from their winter's plight.
A chorus of birds fills the air,
Their melodies so sweet and rare.
As petals blush in colors bright,
The world is bathed in pure delight.
The gentle breeze, a lover's touch,
Caresses blossoms oh so much.
Their fragrant whispers, soft and sweet,
A serenade for hearts to greet.
Spring's magic spreads both far and wide,
A symphony for eyes to guide.
Nature's beauty, a wondrous art,
A treasure for the soul and heart.
Prompt: My pet donkey, with ears so long,
A gentle soul, so sweet and strong,
With coat of gray, and eyes so kind,
A loyal friend, one of a kind.
You carry me upon your back,
Through fields and woods, along the track,
With patient steps, you plod along,
And fill my heart with joyous song.
Your bray, a sound of rustic charm,
Echoes through the valley, free from harm,
A melody of humble grace,
That puts a smile upon my face.
In your eyes, I see such trust,
A bond between us, forged with rust,
For you're not just a beast of burden,
But a friend, with love so certain.
Your presence brings me peace and cheer,
A faithful companion, year by year,
I'm grateful for your steady pace,
And the warmth of your embrace.
So here's to you, my dear donkey,
A treasure in my life, so wonky,
With hooves that dance and spirit bright,
You bring me joy from morn till night.
Prompt: In a realm of gears and wires, with bolts and screws,
A cyborg emerged, with a heart that still clues.
Half human, half machine, a marvel of tech,
With circuits and code, a mechanical trek.
Metallic limbs and glowing eyes,
A fusion of man and machine, no surprise.
A cyborg's strength, unmatched and vast,
Yet within beats a heart, human and steadfast.
Through battles fought and foes defeated,
A cyborg's purpose, never retreated.
But deep within, a longing stir,
For something more, a heart's whisper.
Amidst the wires and circuits' hum,
A yearning for emotions to come.
To understand love, joy, and pain,
A cyborg's quest, to feel again.
With every beat, a human touch,
A connection sought, ever so much.
For though the shell may be of steel,
A heart of warmth, a soul to heal.
In this fusion of metal and heart,
A cyborg finds their place, a fresh start.
A being both machine and human art,
A tale of a cyborg, a story apart.
Prompt: Graceful movements, a dance of art,
A symphony of rhythm, a beating heart,
Expressions woven, in steps and flow,
A story told, without words to show.
Bodies swaying, in perfect harmony,
Emotions painted, with fluidity,
Gestures speaking, in gestures silent,
A language of the soul, ever vibrant.
A dancer's passion, a dancer's soul,
A journey shared, a story untold,
Through leaps and spins, in every pose,
Poetry in motion, where beauty glows.
The stage a canvas, the body a brush,
Creating art, with every hush,
A fleeting moment, a captivating sight,
Poetry in motion, a mesmerizing flight.
The music guides, the body responds,
In fluid motion, the story dawns,
A symphony of movement, a visual delight,
A poem unfolding, under the spotlight.
So watch in awe, as dancers sway,
In a realm where words fade away,
A living poem, a captivating notion,
The art of dance, poetry in motion.
Prompt: A wondrous sight, appeared in the sky,
A woman adorned with the sun's bright dye,
Clothed with the moon, beneath her feet,
A crown of stars, a vision complete.
She was with child, about to give birth,
To the promised one, the hope of earth,
But a dragon red, with a venomous snare,
Waited to devour, with evil's glare.
The dragon, with its tail, swept a third of the stars,
To earth it fell, with darkened scars,
Seeking to devour the child with might,
But the child was caught up, in God's saving light.
The woman fled, to a place prepared,
By God's own hand, she was safely ensnared,
For time, and times, and half a time,
She was hidden from the dragon's crime.
A war in heaven, then did arise,
Michael and his angels, in battle guise,
Fighting the dragon, the ancient foe,
But it was defeated, cast down below.
The dragon, in rage, pursued the rest,
The offspring of the woman, he sought to infest,
Those who hold to God's testimony,
And follow His ways, with faithful glory.
But the woman was given wings of a dove,
To soar to safety, on wings of love,
Prompt: Amidst the darkness, a vision bright,
A glimpse of glory, in heavenly light,
John saw a Lamb, upon Mount Zion,
With His redeemed, a triumphant reunion.
A hundred and forty-four thousand strong,
The chosen ones, who suffered long,
Redeemed from earth, a blameless throng,
Singing a new song, with voices strong.
Three angels followed, with messages clear,
Proclaiming truth, for all to hear,
A warning to those, who worshiped the beast,
With consequences dire, for the mark of the least.
An everlasting gospel, proclaimed by the first,
To every nation, tribe, and tongue, dispersed,
Calling all to fear God, and worship Him alone,
For judgment is coming, from His eternal throne.
The second angel's cry, a proclamation dire,
Babylon has fallen, consumed by fire,
A warning to those, who follow her ways,
To turn from sin, and escape its blaze.
The third angel's warning, a solemn call,
To resist the beast, and not to fall,
For those who take the mark, in worship's name,
Will face God's wrath, eternal shame.
Prompt: In Egypt's land, so dark and dire,
God spoke to Moses, burning fire,
A task immense, a journey far,
To free His people, raise the bar.
Moses doubted, filled with fear,
His voice quivered, unsure and clear,
"But who am I, unworthy, weak,
To speak to Pharaoh, bold and sleek?"
God's voice, commanding, did not wane,
"I am with you, in every pain,
A staff to guide you, signs to show,
My power with you, as you go."
With hand of flesh, then hand of leprosy,
And water turned to blood, for all to see,
Moses, emboldened by God's might,
Heeded the call, prepared to fight.
To Egypt's ruler he made his way,
With Aaron by his side, come what may,
Demanding freedom for God's own kin,
A battle fought, they sought to win.
But Pharaoh's heart was hard and cold,
He scoffed and mocked, refused to fold,
Yet Moses stood with unwavering grace,
His faith in God, a steady pace.
Through plagues and trials, they pressed on,
Till Pharaoh's grip was finally gone,
The Israelites, with hope anew,
Set forth, their journey to pursue.
Exodus Chapter 4, a tale of might,
Of God's call, and Moses' flight,
A story of courage, faith, and love,
Guided by the One from above.
Prompt: Beneath the moon's soft silver glow,
Stands a tree that's seen it all, you know,
Its branches reaching high and wide,
A sentinel of nature's pride.
With gnarled bark and leaves so green,
A canopy that's serene,
A home to birds and squirrels too,
The old willow tree, a world anew.
Its roots run deep into the earth,
A witness to time's endless mirth,
With branches swaying in the breeze,
It whispers secrets to the seas.
It's seen the passing of the years,
Through laughter, joy, and sometimes tears,
A shelter in the storm's embrace,
A solace in a troubled place.
Its branches tell a thousand tales,
Of stories woven through the trails,
Of lovers' trysts and children's play,
Under its canopy, day by day.
Though old and weathered, it stands tall,
A testament to nature's thrall,
A timeless beauty, ageless and free,
The old willow tree, a sight to see.
Prompt: In Illinois' Enfield town, a tale is told,
Of a creature strange, with a form so bold.
With red eyes and claws that cut through the night,
The Enfield Horror, a cryptid of fright.
Said to roam the streets, a mystery profound,
Leaving witnesses in awe and astound.
With a bizarre appearance, beyond belief,
The Enfield Horror, a legend, a relief.
Some say it's a hoax, a figment of fear,
A product of rumors, that's not so clear.
Or perhaps a creature, from another realm,
The Enfield Horror, a cryptid at the helm.
But stories persist, of encounters rare,
Of a creature that leaves people in despair.
The Enfield Horror, a legend of lore,
A cryptid mystery, forevermore.
So keep an eye out, as you roam the night,
In Enfield town, with caution and fright.
For you may encounter, a mysterious sight,
The Enfield Horror, a cryptid's delight.
Prompt: A vision of elegance, a sight to behold,
A beautiful Victorian woman, with grace untold.
Her gown, a masterpiece of lace and silk,
Her smile, like a jewel, radiant as milk.
Her hair, a cascade of curls and waves,
Her poise, refined in the manner she behaves.
Her eyes, like sapphires, deep and bright,
Her laughter, a melody, a pure delight.
Her complexion, porcelain, flawless and fair,
Her presence, captivating, beyond compare.
Her manners, refined, with poise and grace,
Her beauty, timeless, in every time and place.
A lady of virtue, strength, and charm,
Her elegance, a beacon, her demeanor warm.
A beautiful Victorian woman, a true work of art,
Her beauty captured in every beating heart.
Prompt: All to myself, a moment of solitude,
A precious pause, in a world so crude.
A time to reflect, to be truly free,
To rediscover myself, just me and me.
No distractions, no noise around,
A chance to listen, to my inner sound.
To be with my thoughts, without a care,
In the stillness of silence, I find solace rare.
All to myself, a space to explore,
To delve deep within, and open the door.
To my hopes, my fears, my dreams untold,
To discover my truths, both new and old.
No need to please, or meet expectations,
Just being me, without any hesitations.
Embracing my quirks, my flaws and strengths,
In this moment of solitude, my heart truly sings.
All to myself, a time to reset,
To find my center, and let go of regret.
To nourish my soul, and replenish my being,
In this precious time, I find true meaning.
No rush, no hurry, just being present,
In this moment of solitude, I feel so pleasant.
A time to connect, with my inner self,
To find my purpose, my authentic wealth.
All to myself, a gift to cherish,
A moment of grace, that will never perish.
For in this solitude, I find my truth,
A chance to be whole, in mind, heart, and youth.
Prompt: The Crawling Demon, vile and black,
Creeps along the moonlit track.
With eyes that gleam with malice bright,
It stalks the shadows of the night.
Its limbs contorted, twisted, long,
Its movements slow, deliberate, wrong.
Its monstrous form, a ghastly sight,
Bringing terror with each step of fright.
Its maw a pit of endless hunger,
Its voice a discordant, eerie thunder.
It preys on souls, both weak and strong,
Feasting on innocence all night long.
But fear not, for there is hope,
Against the Demon, one can cope.
With courage bold and weapons keen,
The Crawling Demon can be defeated, seen.
So stand your ground, do not back down,
Banish fear and wear the crown,
For in the face of darkness' might,
There shines a beacon of eternal light.
Prompt: Tiffany Glass Savannah Cat; Biomorphic architectural symbiogenesis of a Salvador Dali gothic Tiffany glass Savannah cat in a mysterious botanical surrealistic monochromatic blue wonderland; by yacek yerka, gediminas pranckevicius, stefan morrell, hyper-detailed, insanely intricate, high definition, award winning, oil painting
Prompt: Dark clouds gather, shadows loom,
The world descends into impending doom,
A time of trials, a period of pain,
A prophecy fulfilled, a dire refrain.
Wars and plagues, disasters untold,
Unleashed upon the land, uncontrolled,
Nations clash, chaos unfurls,
A time of tribulation, shaking the world.
Famines strike, hunger spreads,
People suffer, with empty beds,
Fear and anguish, hearts in despair,
As the world is caught in an ominous snare.
Faith is tested, souls are tried,
As humanity's fate seems to be denied,
But hope persists, a flickering light,
Guiding those who seek to make things right.
Amidst the darkness, a glimmer of grace,
A promise of redemption, a saving embrace,
For beyond the turmoil, a new dawn will rise,
A triumphant end to the Tribulation's cries.
So hold on tight, endure the plight,
For in the end, there'll be a new sight,
A world renewed, a future bright,
After the Tribulation's challenging fight.
Prompt: Beyond the veil of earthly sight,
Lies a realm of mystic light,
Where the Shaman's portal lies,
Bridging worlds before our eyes.
Through the fog and swirling mist,
A gateway to realms yet untryst,
Where spirits dance and shadows play,
The Shaman guides us on our way.
With chants and drums, and herbs and fire,
The Shaman's wisdom does inspire,
Seeking answers from the beyond,
In sacred trance, a bond is formed.
The portal opens, a portal wide,
Revealing secrets that do hide,
In realms unseen by mortal eyes,
Where ancient wisdom never dies.
The Shaman's journey, brave and bold,
A tale of mysteries untold,
In the portal's embrace, a sacred space,
Where truth and magic interlace.
So, heed the Shaman's call and seek,
The portal's gateway, unique and sleek,
For hidden truths and visions rare,
Await those who are willing to dare.
Prompt: Phantom clowns, they dance at night,
In shadows cast by pale moonlight.
Their painted smiles, forever bright,
Concealing darkness, out of sight.
They jest and laugh, with twisted glee,
A macabre show, for none to see.
Their eyes, like coals, burn menacingly,
As they frolic in their eerie decree.
Children shudder, grown-ups fear,
The phantom clowns, elusive and unclear.
Are they real or just a specter drear?
A haunting mystery, year after year.
So beware, dear friend, when night is near,
And the circus comes, so strange and queer.
For the phantom clowns, with their eerie veneer,
Will haunt your dreams, with terror severe.
Prompt: Nestled in the woods, so snug and small,
Stands a cozy cottage, a haven for all.
With walls of timber, and a thatched roof high,
A warm and welcoming sight under the sky.
A fireplace crackles, casting a warm glow,
Filling the cottage with an ember's show.
A chimney puffing, a curling smoke,
Inviting visitors, a comforting cloak.
Inside, a hearth, a gathering place,
Where stories are shared, and memories embrace.
Soft flickering candles, casting shadows on the wall,
Creating an ambiance, enchanting and enthrall.
A nook for reading, with a cushioned seat,
A window to the world, a view so sweet.
Books lining shelves, a cozy library,
A sanctuary for knowledge, a literary treasury.
A kitchenette, with an old woodstove,
A place for baking, and tastes to prove.
The scent of fresh bread, wafting in the air,
Filling hungry bellies, with flavors rare.
Upstairs, a loft, a peaceful retreat,
A bed piled high, with quilts so neat.
A window to the stars, a view to behold,
Where dreams take flight, as stories are told.
Outside, a garden, with flowers in bloom,
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.