
Joined: Sep / 2022
Lorenz, 63, from Frankfurt/ Germany
Joined: Jun / 2019
have fun ☺
Love animals, from Germany. ALL images are copyrighted and MAY...
Dutch; like making fractals in UF; love nature, reading, painting...
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. [Roy Rogers]
Joined: Sep / 2020
Joined: Jan / 2022
Joined: Aug / 2022
I live in La Rochelle, France. I am a sculptor and animation film...
Joined: Aug / 2022
Love Drawing & Writing Music.
Joined: Sep / 2022
Joined: Aug / 2022
Joined: Jan / 2018
Joined: Aug / 2022
I mainly use photos of my own created artworks or own photos.
Joined: Nov / 2019
╃Ø.Ċ.Đ. Ōяǥåӥȉʐєđ ȻяєåϮȉφӥ φғ Đȉ§§åϮȉ§ғå¢Ϯȉφӥ╄ ▀☠▄▀Ᵽ▄▀Ʉ▄▀ℕ▄▀Ƙ▄▀☠...
Some of the images are from my photos, and some are from my DAZ c...
Joined: Jan / 2022