Prompt: create a heart impact with inside:
a painting of a full side Lion with a heart on its chest in the middle of the night sky
The lion's heart shines bright in the night sky
Prompt: Advances in technology have also made it easier to develop RISC systems. 3D printing can be used to produce complex components for RISC systems, reducing costs and improving performance. Automated design can be used to generate code for RISC systems, reducing time consumption and margin of error.
Prompt: Experience the thrill of leveling up your character, gaining new abilities, and unlocking powerful gear. With each victory, you become stronger and more formidable, ready to face even greater challenges. The sense of progression in RPGs is both rewarding and addictive.
Prompt: A vibrant and colorful heart made of lush flowers and greenery, set against a dreamy background of soft clouds and a tranquil lake. The heart is filled with bright petals in various shades of pink, red, yellow, and blue, with delicate leaves interspersed throughout. Small birds flutter around the heart, adding a sense of movement. The landscape is rich with blooming flowers and lush greenery, reflecting a magical and serene atmosphere, with a warm, glowing sky that transitions from yellows to deep blues.
mixed background with:
A striking off-road red sports car with a powerful build, featuring bold black accents and muscular fenders. The vehicle has a sleek coupe shape, enhanced with rugged tires and an elevated stance, set against a backdrop of a natural, muddy terrain. The scene captures the car's robust and adventurous spirit, showcasing its design with a focus on performance and style. The environment is lush with autumn foliage, adding warmth to the overall composition.
Prompt: The image shows a swan floating on top of a frozen lake. The swan is white and has a long, graceful neck. Its wings are folded behind its back and its head is tucked under its wing. The swan's feathers are perfectly fluffed up, keeping it warm in the cold winter air.
The lake is completely frozen, with a smooth, icy surface. The swan is floating in a small patch of open water, which has melted slightly due to the swan's body heat. The swan's reflection can be seen in the ice, its white plumage contrasting sharply with the blue-gray color of the ice.
The background of the image is a snowy landscape. There are trees and bushes on the shore of the lake, but they are all covered in snow. The sky is a clear blue, with a few puffy white clouds floating in the distance.
The overall tone of the image is one of peace and tranquility. The swan floating on the frozen lake is a symbol of grace and beauty. The image captures a moment of stillness and silence in the midst of a winter wonderland.
Prompt: the white elephant with little mouse crown sits beautifully on the throne.
the mouse teases the elephant's trunk and dance.
in a hall of a castle.
white ice crystals.
snow white
Prompt: a ball of lightning over a fantastic super car, surreal extreme wild.monkey head with eye nose mouth.looking at, looking up, looking out, flowers have heads. looking-glass a beautiful Wilson's bird-of-paradise dancing at the color
Prompt: En kuffert fyldt med historier:
Forestil dig en kuffert, ikke en almindelig kuffert, men en magisk kuffert på fem etager. Hver etage er en portal til en ny verden, en ny fortælling.
Første etage: Åbner du den støvede kuffert, mødes du af en charmerende miniatureby. Det er Lille Lykke, en by af dukkehuse fyldt med venlige dukker og eventyrlige fortællinger. Du kan følge dukkemekanikerens travle dag, drømme med dukkeracerkøreren om at vinde det store løb, eller bare nyde den fredelige atmosfære i den lille by.
Anden etage: En portal til kridttiden åbner sig. Du møder Blå og Rød, to Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurer, der forelsker sig i hinanden. Du følger dem på deres eventyr i den frodige kridttidsverden, hvor de kæmper mod farer og fejrer kærlighedens triumf.
Tredje etage: Her finder du Lykkegudindens værksted. Et magisk dukkehus på tre etager fyldt med symboler på lykke. Du kan lege med dukkerne, beundre kunstgalleriet og drømme ved den magiske springvand.
Fjerde etage: En portal til en eventyrverden åbner sig. Du møder en modig ridder, der drager ud på en farefuld mission for at redde en prinsesse. Du følger ham på hans rejse gennem troldehuler, fortryllede skove og magiske slotte.
Femte etage: Den sidste etage er en portal til din egen fantasi. Her kan du skabe dine egne historier, lade fantasien løbe løbsk og bringe dine drømme til live.
Kufferten på fem etager er mere end bare en kuffert. Det er en portal til en verden af uendelige eventyr, en kilde til inspiration og glæde. Den er en påmindelse om, at magiske fortællinger findes overalt, vi skal bare åbne vores hjerter og fantasi for at finde dem.
Prompt: Musene famlede sig frem i den tykke tåge, der fyldte Villa Vendetta. Hvert skridt var et uhyggeligt eventyr, en rejse ind i det ukendte. De kunne høre lyden af raslende kæder, hvinende spøgelser og dæmoniske hvisken, der ekkoede gennem de mørke gange. De klamrede sig til hinanden for at få støtte og trøst. Deres små hjerter hamrede i brystet, og frygten sneg sig ind i deres sjæle. Men de var fast besluttet på at se hele huset, at udforske alle dets uhyggelige hjørner og afkroge. Pludselig dukkede en skikkelse op foran dem. En høj, tynd mand med et skeletansigt og glødende øjne. Han skreg et uhyggeligt skrig, der fik musene til at hoppe af skræk. Men de flygtede ikke. De stod fast og stirrede på spøgelset, fascineret af dets uhyggelige skønhed. Spøgelset fortalte dem en historie om Villa Vendetta, en historie om forræderi og hævn. Han fortalte dem om de ulykkelige sjæle, der var fanget i huset, og om den evige forbandelse, der hvilede over stedet. Musene lyttede med åben mund. De var fyldt med medfølelse for de spøgelser, der var fanget i huset, og de vidste, at de var nødt til at hjælpe dem. De spurgte spøgelset, hvad de kunne gøre for at bryde forbandelsen. Spøgelset fortalte dem, at de var nødt til at finde en magisk amulet, der var skjult i huset. Amuletten var den eneste ting, der kunne befri spøgelserne og bringe fred til Villa Vendetta. Musene var fast besluttet på at finde amuletten. De vidste, at det ville være en farlig mission, men de var villige til at risikere alt for at hjælpe de ulykkelige sjæle. De begav sig ud på en ny rejse gennem spøgelseshusets mørke gange. De mødte endnu mere uhyggelige skabninger og skræmmende forhindringer. Men de var modige og stædige, og de gav ikke op.
Prompt: På en klippetop med udsigt over det brusende hav står en samurai kriger, en stolt skikkelse i silke og stål. Hans kimonoo, en dyb blå silke med sølvfarvede trane-motiver, blafrer i den kolde vind. Hakamaen, et par hvide bukser delt i to, giver ham bevægelsesfrihed, mens han spejder ud over horisonten. Over kimonooen bærer han en mørkeblå uwagi, en jakke med et enkelt, sølvfarvet kors på ryggen.
Hans katana, et skarpt sværd med et kurvet blad, hviler i en saya (skede) fastgjort til obi-bæltet, der holder hans silkekimono på plads. Wakizashi, et sekundært sværd, er inden for rækkevidde, klar til at blive trukket i et øjebliks varsel. Tabi, hvide strømper med en delt tå, dækker hans fødder og passer perfekt til de traditionelle zori-sandaler af træ.
Solens stråler reflekteres i hans rustning, en samling af metalplader forbundet med læderremme. Den beskytter hans bryst, mave og ryg mod fjendens pile og sværd. En hjelm af sortlakeret metal hviler på hans hoved, prydet med et gyldent hachimon (familiekam) og en rød kabuto-nål, der holder en mørkeblå fletning på plads.
Hans ansigt er skjult bag en menpo, en ansigtsmaske af metal, der kun afslører hans øjne. De er mørke og intense, konstant på udkig efter fare. Hans læber er lukket i en fast linje, et tegn på beslutsomhed og koncentration.
Samuraien står stille og ubevægelig, et monument af styrke og årvågenhed. Han er en kriger, der er klar til at forsvare sit land og sin herre til den bitre ende.
Prompt: The mice, full of adventure and excitement, landed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's vibrant city. They were ready to experience the carnival, a festive inferno of colour, music and dance.
They arrived at Copacabana beach where a sea of people were dancing and singing under the blazing sun.
They felt the rhythm of the samba music and let themselves be carried away by the contagious energy.
The mice decided to join the carnival with a copy of Ostetopia. They constructed a miniature cheese bell out of cardboard and fabric, decorated with colorful flags and lights. They dressed up in beautiful costumes, inspired by cheese and the world of mice.
With Ostetopia on their backs and samba in their hearts, the mice entered the parade. They danced and sang with the other carnival participants, spreading joy and excitement wherever they went.
People were fascinated by the little cheese bell and the beautiful mouse costumes. They took pictures and videos, and they danced with the mice in the streets.
The mice were in their ace.
They felt free and happy and they loved being a part of this amazing carnival. They knew they would remember this experience forever.
After the parade, the mice met other carnival participants from all over the world. They shared stories and danced late into the night. They learned about different cultures and traditions and they made new friendships.
The carnival in Rio de Janeiro was an unforgettable experience for the mice. They experienced an explosion of colour, music and joy, and they gained a new perspective on the world. They returned to Ostetopia with a heart full of memories and a deeper understanding of global culture.
Prompt: The mice, filled with excitement and anticipation, followed the cat's instructions. They solved puzzles, climbed steep stairs and avoided dangerous traps. Finally, after a long and perilous journey, they reached a hidden room.In the center of the room stood a treasure chest, filled to the brim with gold and precious stones. The mice stared at the treasure, speechless with joy.They had found it!They divided the gold and gems equally, and each mouse got a considerable amount. They knew that this treasure would secure Ostetopia's future for many generations to come.But the mice were not greedy. They also used the treasure to help other animals in the forest. They built new homes for the homeless,bought food for the hungry and supported good causes.The adventures of the mice in Villa Vendetta taught them that courage, friendship and generosity are the true treasures of life. They returned to Ostetopia as heroes, and their story was told for generations, as a reminder that even the small and weak can achieve great things.
Prompt: The kitten, still shaken from the experience with the yarn wrench, continues his exploration of the yard. Suddenly it sees a little mouse running across the yard. The mouse is fast and agile, and the kitten has a hard time keeping up.
The kitten runs after the mouse, but the mouse is too fast. It runs under a shed and the kitten can't reach it.
The kitten is frustrated and begins to meow.
"Help me!" shouts the kitten in a text bubble.
Suddenly, Speedy Gonzales appears. Speedy Gonzales is a famous mouse known for his fast speed. He is faster than lightning and he can run faster than even the fastest cat.
Speedy Gonzales sees the kitten's text bubble and rushes to the rescue. He runs under the shed and catches the mouse. He brings the mouse back to the kitten and the kitten is very happy.
"Thanks, Speedy Gonzales!" says the kitten. "You saved me!"
Speedy Gonzales smiles. "It was nothing," he says.
"It's always a pleasure to help a cat in need."
Speedy Gonzales runs off and the kitten looks for him. The kitten is happy to have met Speedy Gonzales and is grateful for his help.
Prompt: From the kitten's perspective, the world is a gigantic playground full of endless possibilities. The yarn key is not just a toy, but a colossal monster of colors and textures. The soft wool feels comfortable against the kitten's paws, and the smooth surface is perfect for scratching and biting.The kitten chases the yarn key around the yard,and the long tail follows like a fluttering serpent. It jumps and spans the yarn key, and it rolls round and round in the soft wool.But soon the yarn starts to get tangled in the kitten's paws. It tries to break free, but the yarn only wraps tightly. The kitten feels the panic rising and it starts meowing for help.The grandmother hears the kitten's meow and rushes to the rescue. She carefully untangles the yarn from the kitten's paws and she soothes it with a loving voice.The kitten is relieved and grateful for the grandmother's help. It lays down at her feet and purrs contentedly.
Prompt: From the kitten's perspective, the world is a gigantic playground full of endless possibilities. The yarn key is not just a toy, but a colossal monster of colors and textures. The soft wool feels comfortable against the kitten's paws, and the smooth surface is perfect for scratching and biting.
The kitten chases the yarn key around the yard,
and the long tail follows like a fluttering serpent. It jumps and spans the yarn key, and it rolls round and round in the soft wool.
But soon the yarn starts to get tangled in the kitten's paws. It tries to break free, but the yarn only wraps tightly. The kitten feels the panic rising and it starts meowing for help.
The grandmother hears the kitten's meow and rushes to the rescue. She carefully untangles the yarn from the kitten's paws and she soothes it with a loving voice.
The kitten is relieved and grateful for the grandmother's help. It lays down at her feet and purrs contentedly.
Prompt: From a blank playing card, the Joker emerges in a three-dimensional form. It is dressed in a colorful and flamboyant jacket, with a twinkle in its eye and a sly smile on its face. In its hand it holds a shining crystal ball.
The joker gently touches the ball with his finger. Immediately it begins to glow with a warm inner light.
Inside the sphere appears a magical image of Easter. You can see happy children playing with Easter eggs, families gathering for feasts and churches decorated with daffodils.
Suddenly, playing cards begin to appear from the orb. They swirl and dance in the air, forming a glittering path that leads down from the sky. The Joker looks on in amazement,
as the path winds down and lands in front of it.
The Joker knows this is an invitation to a magical adventure. It takes a deep breath, grabs one of the cards, and heads out onto the trail. The map takes it through a portal to another world, a world filled with joy, play and Easter magic.
Prompt: Facebook Cartoon:
Panel 1:
Scene: A person sits at the computer and looks at Facebook.
Text: "I'm scrolling through Facebook when..."
Panel 2:
Scene: A friend request pops up. The profile is identical to the person's own.
Text: "What the hell?! A friend request from... myself?!"
Panel 3:
Scene: The person zooms in on the profile picture.
It is a confused expression.
Text: "Help! Is this some kind of identity theft? Or have I just gone completely crazy?"
Panel 4:
Scene: The person clicks the "Help" button in Facebook.
Text: "Maybe Facebook can help me figure out this strange situation..."
Panel 5:
Scene: A pop-
up is displayed with the text "You cannot send a friend request to yourself."
Text: "Uh... Yeah, that makes sense."
Panel 6:
Scene: The person shakes his head and closes the computer.
Text: "Okay, that was weird. But at least I haven't been hacked."
Text bubble: "Help!"
Prompt: The spring flower festival:
Panel 1:
Scene: A sunny day in a beautiful garden. The grass is green and there are buds on the trees.
Text: "Spring has sprung!"
Panel 2:
Scene: A row of tulips in different colors sticking out of the ground.
Text: "The tulips shine in the sunlight."
Panel 3:
Scene: A group of daffodils stand proud and yellow in the garden.
Text: "The daffodils light up the landscape."
Panel 4:
Scene: A blue anemone blooms in the grass.
Text: "The anemones bring life to the garden."
Panel 5:
Scene: A white crocus peeks out from under a tree.
Text: "The crocuses are a symbol of hope."
Panel 6:
Scene: A flock of honey bees buzz around pollinating the flowers.
Text: "The bees help the flowers multiply."
Panel 7:
Scene: The garden is now full of flowers in all sorts of colors.
Text: "The spring flower festival is in full swing!"
Text bubble: "Happy Easter!"
Prompt: Being "First Mover" (8 panels)
Panel 1:
A mouse stands on a cliff top and looks out over an unknown landscape.
Text: "Being a first mover is about being the first to explore new opportunities."
Panel 2:
The mouse takes a deep breath and leaps into the unknown.
Text: "It can be scary, but it can also be incredibly rewarding."
Panel 3:
The mouse meets a number of challenges on its way.
Lyrics: "There will be obstacles, but it's important to believe in yourself and keep going."
Panel 4:
The mouse discovers a beautiful and unknown world.
Text: "First movers" are rewarded with new experiences and success."
Panel 5:
The mouse inspires other mice to follow in his footsteps.
Text: "Being a "first mover" can pave the way for others."
Panel 6:
The mouse is celebrated as a hero.
Text: "First movers" are courageous and visionary leaders."
Panel 7:
The mouse shares its knowledge and experiences with others.
Text: "First movers" inspire innovation and change."
Panel 8:
The mouse looks forward to new challenges and adventures.
Text: "Being a "first mover" is a lifestyle that is all about exploring and discovering."
Prompt: The Birth of Earth: The Moon and the Pacific Theory!
Panel 1 (yellow):
Headline: Earth's Cradle: A Cosmic Cataclysm!
Image: A giant stone globe (Theia) hits Earth in an inferno of flames.
Text: 4.5 billion years ago, Earth was a young planet in a chaotic solar system. A giant rock called Theia appeared and hit the Earth with a colossal bang!
Panel 2 (blue):
Headline: The Pacific Theory: Earth's New Companion!
Image: Earth and Theia merge to form a ring of molten material. Part of the ring gathers into the Moon.
Text: The Pacific region is believed to be the collision site. The enormous force hurled material into space, where it collected and created the Moon.
Panel 3 (green):
Headline: A Dramatic Transformation!
Image: Earth with a hot, liquid exterior and a thin atmosphere. The moon orbits close.
Text: The impact changed Earth's rotation and created a hot, liquid exterior. The atmosphere thinned and the Moon stabilized the Earth's axis.
Panel 4 (red):
Headline: Life's early beginnings!
Image: A blue planet with oceans and continents. Life arises in the warm, liquid ocean.
Text: Over time, the Earth cooled and the oceans formed. The first signs of life appeared in the warm, liquid sea. The moon played a role in stabilizing Earth's climate and paved the way for the development of life.
Prompt: Thailand: A proud nation with a preserved culture and language
Thailand is a country with a rich and fascinating history. Unlike many of its neighboring countries, Thailand has never been an official colony of a European power. This has had a significant impact on the country's culture and language, both of which have retained a unique identity.
History of Thailand:
Thailand has a long and complex history dating back more than 1,000 years.
The country has experienced periods of greatness and prosperity, but also periods of conflict and instability.
In the 19th century, Thailand was under pressure from European colonial powers, but managed to maintain its independence.
Thailand has undergone a number of changes since then, but has retained its unique culture and identity.
Culture of Thailand:
Thailand's culture is a blend of Buddhist, Hindu and animist traditions.
The country is known for its beautiful art, architecture, food and dance.
The Thai people are known for their hospitality, kindness and respect for the elderly
The Thai language:
The Thai language is a tonal language that belongs to the Tai-Kadai language family.
It is the official language of Thailand and is spoken by over 60 million people.
The Thai language is known for its beautiful and complex script.
Image of the Thai language:
Prompt: A vibrant black modified Ford Mustang with a rugged off-road design, featuring oversized tires, aggressive body kit, and a prominent rear spoiler. The car is set against a backdrop of a muddy, natural terrain, showcasing it as a powerful and adventurous vehicle. The scene has a slightly overcast sky, enhancing the dynamic and robust feel of the car in an outdoor environment.
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.