
One should always hold dear, the universal language of art.
Joined: Jan / 2018
Hiya All source work my own photos and artworks www.staceyalle...
Joined: Jun / 2018
Joined: Oct / 2019
Joined: May / 2019
editorial wise ass and cranky old guy.
Joined: Dec / 2016
Jellybean breakfast...Mustache on a masterpiece...Post graffiti c...
I`m a little dreamer...
Joined: Oct / 2018
Joined: May / 2019
Visit for answers to all of life's questions!
Joined: Feb / 2018
Joined: Apr / 2019
Childhood means simplicity. Look at the world with the child’s ey...
I am a multidisciplinary artist and you can find me on facebook u...
“Art is a bridge thrown out toward and unseen shore...” which I...
Hit me with a follow and I'll follow back! Search me up on spoti...
Joined: Feb / 2019
Joined: Jun / 2019
Joined: Sep / 2016
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"I Bhop over taxidermied Grandads for views".
A filmmaker that loves using tech to experiment with making films...
Do you know whats makes you weak? You wanting to prove that you...
Joined: Dec / 2018
Joined: Nov / 2016
I try to do enhancements. Make the image say more, without drowni...
Joined: Jul / 2017
Joined: Oct / 2019