Prompt: xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals astrolinguistics, non-Earthbound symbols, arabic numerals, render in far-out areas of speculation. Nicht mal Adam hat noch Lust Bukanier zu werden. Auch er hat Geist im NACKEN,
die rosig-phosgene Untugend... der unbotmäßige Salamander auf dem Stein sitzt schweigend da als Vorbedingung für das Verschwinden der Welt, während Ezra noch schwelgt von Verlautbarungen ---- 12-55, Ratsprotokoll, dass keiner knöcheln soll bei Reugeld, obgleich hinter dem tiefroten Vorhang im Zimmer nebenan die Erde bereits als Schlachtfeld für kosmische Kräfte deutlich sichtbar ist - mit einem kleinen Spascirmon als golemhafte Topfdeckelfigur oben drauf, und Teufel auch, Kinder zahlen die Hälfte, und wer solches nicht erledigt, wird expediert...
Prompt: xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals astrolinguistics, non-Earthbound symbols, arabic numerals, render in far-out areas of speculation. Atman Horny war ein Zeitreisender, an den sich niemand erinnern würde. Spurlos driftete er durch den Zeitstrom auf der Suche nach der Wolkenkatze vom Mondberg, die sich ihm umrisshaft meist dann zu erkennen gab, wenn er sie zu vergessen drohte. Bei einem seiner letzten Kontakte stromaufwärts hatte er mit der verführerischen Göttin Kathy Pi auf der Hochebene Afrikas über Hutfarben gestritten und mit Kurs auf die Hohen Grenzgebiete die verlorenen Welten des Windes durchzogen.
Prompt: xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals astrolinguistics, non-Earthbound symbols, arabic numerals, render in far-out areas of speculation. fluoreszierende Mandalas an den wänden der Pilzresidenz. Aliens blättern sitzend in einem Buch mit erstaunlich verrückten Versen. Auf der Veranda steht ein taoistischer Gelehrter. Die Töchter des Mondes sitzen vor dem Palast der psychedelischen Freuden in einem Garten voller Kolibris. Die große Sonne steht über den Wiesenhügeln der Traumfelder In einem Schwall von Grünheit
Prompt: xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals astrolinguistics, non-Earthbound symbols, arabic numerals, render in far-out areas of speculation. Ein Renaissance-Hippie mit einem Propeller steht vor dem Hotellift von Delphi. Über der Tür steht das Wort ‚Morgenlandfahrer‘. Daikinis haben sich hinter dem Vorhang versteckt. Quantenfischche im Aquarium. Telefon auf einem Schemeln inmitten von Rauchfahnen. magnetische Flaschen stehen auf klatschnassen Perser-Teppichen. Sonnenaufgang
Prompt: Eine verwegen gekleidete Malerin – Schizo-Hose Brokat-Jacke - heuert auf einem Fischkutter an, der sie nach Nordafrika bringt. Ein Kamel steht in den Wogen des Rausches. Ein Ohr liegt auf der Viehweide herum. Riesenflocken aus solarem Plasma treiben durch die Atmosphäre. Über der Irrenanstalt geht die volle Erde auf
Prompt: Doktor Freud mit der Frisur von Wittgenstein steht vor seinem Grammophon. Larissa, die schöne Malerin, trägt eine schwarze Klappe über dem dritten Auge, das schmale Skelett in Kordhosen, die Schieber-Mütze tief in die Stirn gezogen. Der Dichter Johnny diskutiert mit einem Ausserirdischen im Smoking. Der Dichter Jack sitzt mit offenem Mund auf der berühmten Couch von Dr. Freud. Wieder mal siedendes Wasser, ein zerrissenes Telefonbuch, ein Rettich im Schuh
Prompt: Generiere an unravish'd bride of quietness,
the foster-child of silence and slow time,
Sylvan historian, who canst thus express
A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:
What leaf-fring'd legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both,
In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?
Prompt: Doktor Freud mit einer schwarzen Klappe über dem dritten Auge. Ein Ausserirdischer im Smoking. Create xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals non-Earthbound symbols and numerals in Sprechblasen. Detailed industrial blueprint, blueprint style, golden ratio, technical, precise, electronics and biomechanics, schema
Prompt: Style winston smith
an asylum on the moon surface, the asylum garden, ein Methangasbrunnen, blaue Schwaden Gas, die protagonisten: Der konservativ gekleidete Dr. Freud, Monokel, drittes Auge, der Ausserirdische Milchgesicht, die schöne Malerin Larissa in psychedelischen hippie-klamotten, also kurze Hose, ärmelloses T-Shirt , der überaus korrekte, aber etwas abgehetzt aussehende Philosoph Ludwig Wittgenstein und ein junger, gut aussehender Androide in Gewändern von 1750. Der Dichter Johnny ist Mitglied des Patientenkollektivs, a rather smoky mystical guy, agezogen wie ein Leichtathlet.. Create xenolinguistic alphabets exo signals astrolinguistics, non-Earthbound symbols and numerals, Detailed industrial blueprint, blueprint style, golden ratio, technical, precise, electronics and biomechanics, schema.
Prompt: Earthrise. Earth as seen form the moon. An asylum on moon surface. Create the garden of the Asylum. Create Dr. Sigmund Freud. Er hat einen Heilgenschein über dem Kopf. An seiner Seite die schöne psychedelische Malerin Larissa. Larissa nur leicht bekleidet, verfy very blissful. Ein Ausserirdischer Androiden-Zen Master im Bikini Rastafari-Haare. Helm geöffnet, Sirianischer look. Blissful scene
Prompt: I Ching divination involves obtaining a hexagram by random generation (such as tossing coins), then reading the chapter associated with that hexagram. Good for girls and gurus
Prompt: Zen philosophers in an empty room. Alien Visitors from Sirius all of whom sit around waiting for GODOT. a staircase. Written on a school blackboard: THIS IS NOT ART, an enigmatic Southern farmhouse with a Joseph Cornell attic
Prompt: A blond barely dressed Magazine lady with red lips accompanies a rice farmer blissfully smiling in a thunderstorm night, blueprint style, golden ratio
Prompt: A blond barely dressed Magazine lady with red lips Lingers long on the Street. Old photo. She has a house and garden. She has robes and she has monkeys. Lazy diamond studded flunkies She has wisdom and knows what to do. Summer Sunday. blueprint style, golden ratio
Prompt: A blond barely dressed Magazine lady with red lips, the wind blows her hair, walking through the suburbs.
Hills are filled with Cops in cars. blueprint style, golden ratio
Prompt: Spirituality was ever the keynote but Riley injected humor in a lampoon on the idea of aging hippies cast into the foreseeable future, muggle-stoked and stumbling in "March of the Old Timers Reefer Division," the same hippies, it should be wryly noted, which were most responsible the rise of Eastern religions in the West he despaired were ignoring them. Perhaps a toke or two at a doob would've expanded that awareness for him. But he makes a wise choice in composing a tributary song, "Tuning to Rolling Thunder," to the native spiritualist of the same name (Rolling Thunder), a stunningly common-sense individual also caught for posterity on tape by Roy Tuckman (KPFK's fossilizing radio personality, "Roy of Hollywood") in an extended series still occasionally played on air.. blueprint style, golden ratio
Prompt: Generate the female character Nausikaa from Homer's Odyssee. She is a young, beautiful, scantily clad marble princess from the movie 'Gone with the Wind'. She accompanies Queequeg from Melville's 'Moby Dick', a tattooed South Sea islander with his harpoon. Written in bubbles: Oh! Hey! - Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio.
Prompt: A blond barely dressed lady with red lips Chinese fan in hand on the Street. She has a robe and she has monkeys, She has wisdom and knows what to do on a Summer daoist holiday. Written in bubbles: Nada – Null – Out! - Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio. Lao-tse, tarot card. chinese scripture of the golden eternity.
Prompt: A barely dressed lady with fan in hand out in the Streets. She has monkeys, she has wisdom and knows what to do on a Summer holiday. Lao-tse also walks in the blue avenue. Written in bubbles: Nada – Null – Out! - Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio. Chinese scripture of the golden eternity.
Prompt: A barely dressed lady with fan in hand out in the summer streets. She has monkeys. Master Lao-tse besides her. Donkey Wisdom. Written in bubbles: Kali - Yuga - Deconstruction! - Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio. Chinese scripture of the golden eternity.
Prompt: Young blonde lady with fan between Master Laozi and Master Zhuangzi Monkeys Donkey Wisdom Sun Satori Summerday. Chinese Scripture of the golden eternity. Written in speech bubbles: 'Driving south, baby' -- 'Going home'! - Zen is finished. Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio.
Prompt: Barely dressed Black Goddess on the volcanic mountain of Ngorongoro, surrounded by Boli Shah, Bossou Ashadeh and
Boum'ba Maza, flying saucer in the sky - Chakras, Sun wheel Tantra Sky dancer I Ching Fruit, flowers, african animals. hyberbolic shapes astrological signs alchemical symbols. Detailed industrial blueprint, blueprint style, golden ratio. pencil M. C. Escher Hans Bellmer Moebius (Jean Giraud)
Prompt: Barely dressed Black Goddess on the volcanic mountain of Ngorongoro, surrounded by Boli Shah, Bossou Ashadeh and
Boum'ba Maza - flying saucer in the sky in any number of dimensions with locally defined metrics - Chakras, Tantra Sky dancer I Ching flowers, african animals astrological signs alchemical symbols. Detailed industrial blueprint, blueprint style, golden ratio. pencil M. C. Escher Hans Bellmer Moebius (Jean Giraud)
Prompt: Generiere Frau von Rosenholz, eine hübsche schüchtern bekleidete Hippie-Lady, Burlesk mit Degen. Fliegende Barockengel
Heftiger Schneefall … Sternschnuppen sausen durch die Luft. Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio.
Prompt: Generiere eine nur spärlich bekleidete Hippie-Lady style 1967. Im Kanu neben ihr ein sibirischer Schamane. Fliegende Wintergeister und Barockengel. Heftiger Schneefall … Sternschnuppen sausen durch die Luft. Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio.
Prompt: Generate a scantily clad hippie lady Tantra Art walks through a long corridor full of spiders, crocodiles , penguins, pretty policemen Rouge red rough doctors. And there is a door with the label "Revolution Number 9".
Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio. 1967s British hippies style.
Prompt: Here comes the Moonqueen: eine nur spärlich bekleidete Hippie-Lady. Tantra Art, Chakras bodypainting.
kaleidoscope eyes a fountain.
Get a dose of her bare feet.
She's killer-diller when she's dressed to the hilt
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World"
Yes, you could say she is attractively built…
A young shaman dragging a comb across his head, smoking
1967s British hippies style.
Prompt: Generiere eine nur spärlich bekleidete Hippie-Lady. Tantra Art, Chakras bodypainting.
Get a dose of her bare feet. She's killer-diller when she's dressed to the hilt
How sweet she roams from field to field,
And tastes all the summer's pride
'Til the prince of love beheld
Who in the sunny beams did glide!
A young shaman dragging a comb across his head, smoking
He gives her lilies for my hair
And blushing roses for her brow;
He lets her through his garden fair,
Where all his golden pleasures grow.
1967s British hippies style.
Prompt: Generate a scantily clad female snake dancer. Blissful Tantra Art, Chakras. Bodypainting. She's killer-diller when she's dressed to the hilt. Yes, you could say she is attractively built. She meets Carlos Castanedas famous shamans Don Juan and Don Genaro in Oaxaca looking like young mexican pistoleros. Doctor Sigmund Freud stands next to it and makes notes on a pad. A fyling saucer from the 1930s over the marketplace, where exotic plants are sold.
British hippie style mixed with mexican steampunk art.
Industrial Blueprint, golden ratio
Prompt: Generate a scantily clad blind indian actress. Blissful Tantra Art, Chakras. Bodypainting. She's killer-diller when she's dressed to the hilt. Yes, you could say she is attractively built. She meets famous shamans Don Juan and Don Genaro in Oaxaca looking like young mexican pistoleros. Doctor Sigmund Freud stands next to a holy Wurlitzer jukebox and makes notes on a laptop on the Day Of The Dead. Books of Carlos Castanedas. A flying saucer over the marketplace, where Skulls decorated with icing and sugar flowers are sold. Laser beams shell casings gunpowder vapor
British hippie style mixed with mexican steampunk art.
Industrial Blueprint, golden ratio
Prompt: Generate a scantily clad blindfolded indian actress. Blissful Tantra Art, Chakras. Bodypainting. Kali Yuga. She's killer-diller when she's dressed to the hilt. Yes, you could say she is a attractively built Hare Krishna. She meets famous shamans Don Juan and Don Genaro in Oaxaca looking like young mexican pistoleros. Doctor Sigmund Freud stands next to a holy Wurlitzer jukebox and makes notes on a laptop on the Day Of The Dead. Books of Carlos Castanedas flying saucer over the bazar, where Skulls decorated with icing and sugar flowers are sold. Neon light shell casings gunpowder vapor in the Ashram
British hippie style mixed with mexican steampunk art.
Industrial Blueprint, golden ratio
Prompt: Generate a night beach with a cresecent hanging over cool light shining through some clouds. a scantily clad hippie lady belly button Tantra Art Chakras Enneagrams sitting in the sand looking out to the roaring waves of the open sea. A spherical net floats above her Crickets Night creatures Industrial blueprint style, golden ratio electrons in an elementary particle chamber leave their mark
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.