
Joined: Jul / 2017
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BioMe: Messing around with everyone and everything :)
The Pattern is the pattern so trust the Pattern
Joined: Feb / 2016
Joined: Jun / 2019
This neural network never ceases to fascinate me with its results...
Master of the Sinisters
I'm currently living in Rijeka, Croatia. My hobby is digital phot...
Really grateful for all who take the time to look.
Joined: Feb / 2019
Joined: Sep / 2017 - Lorenz Duremdes
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Southern California
Joined: Jun / 2018
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My motto is that there is an artist inside everyone. Let’s discov...
Joined: Oct / 2018
Joined: Apr / 2018
that electric space car guy
Product developer and engineer specializing in microchip design,...
Joined: Dec / 2016