
Music teacher
Joined: Jul / 2021
Joined: Mar / 2021
".....nothing more than a persistent, stubborn illusion."
I like to take what I generate here and further modify them using...
Joined: Mar / 2021
Artist, jewelry designer, encaustic enthusiast. All photos, ill...
Joined: Jun / 2021
Joined: Jun / 2021
Let's be seen
I am here unless I am there
Love and appreciate the beauty around us....always enjoyed photog...
Joined: May / 2021
Joined: Apr / 2021
Joined: May / 2021
Joined: Jun / 2021
Joined: Oct / 2020
All my dreams are made with photos taken by me.
researcher ~ artist ~ photographer ~ collector. Bliss of Art's l...
Joined: Apr / 2021
Joined: Apr / 2021
Joined: Jul / 2019
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Joined: Jun / 2020
Check out the tag I made! #DD - I use it for all of my creations...
Joined: Apr / 2017
Just Playing with Stuff
Joined: May / 2021
Joined: Apr / 2021
Joined: Jan / 2021