
Designer. Refiner. Tinkerer. Sketcher. I am GigaWight.
Joined: Jul / 2019
Soy dibujante, ilustrador y pintor. Me encanta el DeepDream y sus...
out on the range
I speak only Duch
Joined: Jan / 2018
Initially written back in DS2 days! (Now with the advent of Text...
grateful, thanks!
Since diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Breast cancer estrogen po...
“Art is a bridge thrown out toward and unseen shore...” which I...
Joined: Oct / 2017
Joined: Mar / 2019
I've been creating these images since the middle of the Trump pre...
Joined: Sep / 2016
Joined: Feb / 2019
Joined: May / 2019
Oregonian, software engineer, designer, artist and digital musici...
Joined: Feb / 2019
Zzz. Don't talk to me now, I'm dreaming.
Me encanta experimentar con Inteligencia Artificial
Joined: Jul / 2016
Joined: Jul / 2019
Joined: Mar / 2019
Joined: May / 2019
Schoolteacher from Siberia
Art for arts sake.
Art historian and student, interested in the natural world, cultu...
Joined: Jul / 2019
Joined: Nov / 2017
Joined: Mar / 2018
I’m a photographer, writer, teacher, traveler from Northern Calif...