
yada yada yada
Joined: Aug / 2022
Joined: Dec / 2019
All dreams using my own photos, with the exception of some Text 2...
Joined: May / 2023
Joined: Jul / 2023
Love art in any shape or form. Photography got me started, Canon...
Joined: Jun / 2023
Joined: Oct / 2022
Joined: Feb / 2023
Antipodean Animator at Large, Marooned on planet Earth, Gold Coas...
Joined: Dec / 2022
Joined: Apr / 2023
Meaning Simplicity Symbolism Spiritual beauty
Awe and Bewilderment , the cardinal points of my compass.
Since diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Breast cancer estrogen po...
Joined: Apr / 2023
out on the range
Joined: Mar / 2023
I thoughouly enjoy the exerience of aeronautical sciences and avi...
A little dusty. A little dented. I still love shiny things.
Joined: May / 2023
Constantly beaten by the machine
Hello friends! I'm a young 18 year old boy, I love to create an...
Text to Image Art
Music and dreams
Joined: Jul / 2021
Joined: May / 2023
Joined: Apr / 2023
Joined: Mar / 2023
Web Designer - DJ - Artist - Second Life Fan