
Just futzin around :)
Joined: Sep / 2019
Joined: Sep / 2020
Joined: Oct / 2020
I give the Deep Dream dogs to appease it. It's what it wants.
just experimenting
Joined: Oct / 2020
Joined: Nov / 2020
Retired from the LCBO . Loved photography and stuck with it.
Joined: Oct / 2020
Traveling trough fractalz of Time
Can't think. Head empty.
Joined: Nov / 2019
Joined: May / 2020
Technical Illustrator / Patent Draftsman by Trade - 70yrs old
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Jul / 2020
Joined: Nov / 2020
Joined: Dec / 2017
Photographer and Filmmaker based in Limache, Chile
Joined: Apr / 2017
Joined: Jan / 2016
Joined: Sep / 2019
Joined: Dec / 2018
Joined: Nov / 2020
Joined: Nov / 2020
Uh hey I do pictures and videos and stuff.
Joined: Dec / 2018
Joined: Apr / 2018
More a poet than an artist, but forms of expression are where you...
Joined: Nov / 2020