
Corruption is toxic to creativity---why I prefer my privacy....
Joined: Mar / 2020
Hi! I'm Tim, a dreamy guy from Kharkov. Glad to be here with you,...
Joined: Feb / 2020
The people that likes my creations I am going to give likes to th...
Joined: Nov / 2017
Joined: Mar / 2019
Joined: Nov / 2018
Posthuman Brazilian Transmedia Artist
Artist, Activist, Instigator, Planter of Seeds & Waterer of Child...
Joined: Nov / 2019
Joined: Jan / 2020
Having access to another set of eyes/another pair of hands and th...
Don't go looking for snakes you might find them!
Keen photographer who loves to add a dreamy dimension. I only eve...
Joined: Apr / 2019
Joined: Apr / 2020
Hi I'm Miko and i am a artist. i dabble in quite a bit but painti...
Art is here to share and be enjoyed by everyone. So enjoy and sh...
Hello I love all types of art. Since we are mainly in quarantine...
Mystical Larrikin
Hello world.
Graphic artist from Hamburg
weir just a state of mind
Joined: Apr / 2020
We are all mirror of ourselves. ( The mirrors are in our eyes.) W...
I just do this for fun. also to keep my depression at bay.
"It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true st...
Deep Learning @ Udacity
Artist and educator