Oh, oh, oh, I'm just being friendly, she's like my
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Oh, oh, oh, I'm just being friendly, she's like my sister Misha, well, you are so gentle, soon mine will arrive from his sister, come and feel her, even in the underpants, maybe you'll find something interesting, I do not give a fuck - laughed Kolya. Maybe I was inspired by Ilyich, I wanted to tell the next joke about Lenin, where the iron-fisted Feleks molested Krupskaya. Hello?
- Why do you remind me of that viper?" cried my master, with a pale face.
The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable ve
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable verdict" A special day was present at the copper on the sabbath, young witches gathered , took out brooms for flying from the barn , but could not find proper outfits for them, opening their hereditary chests , they searched for dresses for a long time that should drive annoying devils crazy , tried on, rummaged through a pile of old rags, swore obscenities as if they saw a pattern of crucifixes on a corset, suffocating the chest and a waist above the hip. Well, what are you doing glamorous girls? The one-eyed sister hissed at them in an angry tone - After all, the morning is near! - - And the sabbath will end by morning! - Now I'll teach you how to dress quickly! Yesterday, in that box of fantasies of the human world, which people call "TV", I saw with a lonely eye the program "fashion verdict", which stylist Vasiliev somehow led dejectedly. So into this small screen, a Gothic fat girl, I don't know how, without crushing those present, somehow got in there. So Vasiliev and the pretentious crowd in the jury dressed the fat sides of that scoundrel in black outfits. And we, let's put on black and gloomy outfits, so that the warts are not visible under the huge hooked noses! And if you don't like our dark look, the coven party! Vasiliev will burn in hell with all the members of the jury! Then the producers of the channels will understand, it is not necessary to promote such programs and if you are present in the jury, keep in mind what a fiery - gehenna verdict awaits your opinion!
The heels of her shoes broke at the beginning of t
1792 X 1024
(1.84 MP)
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Prompt: The heels of her shoes broke at the beginning of the trip, and she left them on the same stretch of road. The soles of her feet at the finish line were solid, meaty flesh. They hurt wildly. The rider left a trail of bloody footprints on the pavement. Between her legs, the unruly and rigid torso of the horse "Bujan" left painful wounds. A passing police patrol came to the aid of our heroine.
- Fear not, my friend, I mean you no harm, I am th
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: - Fear not, my friend, I mean you no harm, I am the spirit of your ancestor. I am your great-great-grandfather. I've come to answer your prayers. I can help you. I can grant your wish. I heard that you want to become human. Why would you want that?
Prompt: And then what?
- A little patience, my friend, and you will see for yourself.
With these words the ghost disappeared. I was at a loss to understand what was happening. Either I imagined it or it was another trick of those scoundrels of a tree. Look, I'll show you soon!
Prompt: After a while Petrovich came into the room. After looking all around, his eyes rested on me. He came over. Standing on a chain of legs. Carefully took me off the closet. At that moment I decided to act and cast that spell, which my great-great-grandfather had recommended to me. And then the magic began. Within seconds Petrovich let out an incomprehensible shriek. He dropped me from his arms. His legs began to fit, his arms began to retract into his body, as if someone was pulling air in from the inside.
Even on the kitchen wall in calligraphic handwriti
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Even on the kitchen wall in calligraphic handwriting, in clearly legible letters, he wrote slogans - "Against the injection into the head of the people, which daily injects the party will help sacred helmet" and "The injection penetrates deeper into the brain than massage. After these sick ideas and thoughts, he put me on my head and marched naked around the apartment shouting: - Fuck you, now! You can't put a shot in my head.
The feast went on for a long time. The master of t
1024 X 1024
(1.05 MP)
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Prompt: The feast went on for a long time. The master of the house was the leader of the conversation. He paid most attention to Angela, for all that he said, Mikhail heard and whispered: "I've heard these songs about two hundred times. Kolya was telling how he served in the army, how he was running the farm, what a shitty chairman he was. That this barbos took half of the kolkhoz into the house. He said that he gets everything he needs and does not need, but he is not a fool and he steals something himself, and this cow shit does not know about it. When he talked about his skills in collective farm theft, plundering socialist property, he took on the look of a proud gentleman of fortune and a sly smile slid across his face.
The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable ve
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable verdict" A special day was present at the copper on the sabbath, young witches gathered , took out brooms for flying from the barn , but could not find proper outfits for them, opening their hereditary chests , they searched for dresses for a long time that should drive annoying devils crazy , tried on, rummaged through a pile of old rags, swore obscenities as if they saw a pattern of crucifixes on a corset, suffocating the chest and a waist above the hip. Well, what are you doing glamorous girls? The one-eyed sister hissed at them in an angry tone - After all, the morning is near! - - And the sabbath will end by morning! - Now I'll teach you how to dress quickly! Yesterday, in that box of fantasies of the human world, which people call "TV", I saw with a lonely eye the program "fashion verdict", which stylist Vasiliev somehow led dejectedly. So into this small screen, a Gothic fat girl, I don't know how, without crushing those present, somehow got in there. So Vasiliev and the pretentious crowd in the jury dressed the fat sides of that scoundrel in black outfits. And we, let's put on black and gloomy outfits, so that the warts are not visible under the huge hooked noses! And if you don't like our dark look, the coven party! Vasiliev will burn in hell with all the members of the jury! Then the producers of the channels will understand, it is not necessary to promote such programs and if you are present in the jury, keep in mind what a fiery - gehenna verdict awaits your opinion!
Prompt: I ran into the apartment and purposefully went to organize the execution of Petrovich. When I entered the room I was stunned. Svetlana half-naked lay on the couch. She was all glowing. She looked like a naked Danaë from a painting by Rembrandt from the Hermitage collection. I had seen this picture in the encyclopedia, which Petrovich used to look at with lust when Svetlana was out of the house. She was beautiful, even more beautiful than the mother of Perseus, which Rembrandt portrayed on his canvas, based on an ancient Greek myth.
Thank God the general was on guard, he stayed up a
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Thank God the general was on guard, he stayed up all night, in an ambush, under the table guarding. And this one, when he stuck his trunk through the window, the general shot him with his service weapon, a registered pistol. The rapist screamed in pain, and that's when they grabbed him. And now he's in Krests. And after he's served his time, he's going to perform in an overseas circus.
Prompt: He believed that the third eye would help people, to look and see the invisible and hidden from them. He often said: I am fighting a war, not for space, but for time. I sit in my apartment in an imaginary trench, and take from the past a scrap of time. My duty is just as heavy as that of the troops who are fighting for space. He starved, economized on everything. At one point he considered himself a knight of time, and he elevated me to the rank of a holy helmet to put on my head and avoid the jab the party puts in the heads of the people every morning through means of communication.
Prompt: An unforgettable meeting of a polar explorer with a polar bear (the real story) (from the cycle "Loneliness")
The polar bear was walking,
He passed by me,
I guess I'm poor on the body,
either he is not noticeable in a white sheepskin coat,
overtook another man,
and stuck his claws in his back slowly,
now I am alone at the polar station,
Thank you, white bear,
for sparing me!
The polar bear was walking, He passed by me, I gue
1024 X 1024
(1.05 MP)
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Prompt: The polar bear was walking, He passed by me, I guess I'm poor on the body, either he is not noticeable in a white sheepskin coat, overtook another man, and stuck his claws in his back slowly, now I am alone at the polar station, Thank you, white bear, for sparing me!
Autumn landscape "Along the alley of grieving ston
1643 X 1278
(2.10 MP)
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Prompt: A celebration of the damned
The unfettered few who choose to roam
Sharing more than sexual excess
Sowing more than vexing stones
Favourite haunts of depravation
Where the morning fears to tread
Covenant revere the sullen cain
Mikhail and Angela sat and listened to their talka
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Mikhail and Angela sat and listened to their talkative neighbor. The bottle of the capital was drunk, the wine half-empty. Serious artillery came into the conversation, the same moonshine that, like gin released, causes devils and hallucinations. My host didn't drink much, Nikolai drank a lot of it, and then he went stark raving mad. When my host's fantasy ran out, there was a moment of silence, and in order not to appear boring, drunk as a skunk, Nikolai began to tell jokes. I was told some jokes in the copper, which can lead to imprisonment - Kolyan braided his tongue, I'll tell you, in confidence, but don't tell anybody who told you them - he embraced Angela with a giggle. Angela in bewilderment pulled away from the comedian, looking questioningly at Piskunov.
Prompt: So listen:
-Husband comes home, catches his wife with her lover, and is about to do away with him. - Don't you dare hit him! - The wife screams. - He's seen Lenin alive!
Prompt: And Kolyan burst into wild laughter. The guests didn't even smile. They didn't like it, and I laughed like a horse for three days:
- Lenin resurrected and went straight to the pub to talk to the proletariat. The workers are standing around, drinking, not paying attention to the leader.
- I think he gave you a shot when he was rubbing y
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: - I think he gave you a shot when he was rubbing your tits, and I didn't even notice. Don't you see? They're Arabian horses. They've lost weight in five years, but they can still give a head start to country mares. I used to ride them for 300 versts, I couldn't catch up.
- Aren't those sticks, Misha? Why did you bring them?
Prompt: - Grab the horse, you ungrateful fool. I'm saving you. Wake up. You'll understand now. I'll put a sacred helmet on you and you'll understand. You will. You'll understand everything. - With those words, Michael took me out of his pocket and put it on his lady's head.
- See now? - With pride he pronounced.
Riding on a stick with a bag on her head, Angela r
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Riding on a stick with a bag on her head, Angela roared the whole way. I absorbed her salty and bitter tears, with mascara and despair dissolved in them. For the whole 60 kilometers of the mad race, Angela only wailed: - "Why are you doing this to me, Mishenka? It would have been better if you had possessed me as you wished. I would have been glad of anything. I wouldn't have resisted your sick lust.
What a fool I am. I should have accepted Vahan's a
Artistic 2
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: What a fool I am. I should have accepted Vahan's advances better, he didn't give me a peach and a cobbler for nothing. I should have gone with him to Yerevan, to his uncle Karen. His relatives in Armenia probably aren't as fucked up as this helmet-and-stick master. At least he wouldn't have to ride that imaginary trotter. No. I read that the Armenians ride donkeys.
Representatives of the law, having stopped the ins
Artistic 2
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Representatives of the law, having stopped the insane horsemen of the apocalypse, took her to the nearest police station. The Soviet Union had no mental patients, so this fact was concealed. The owner was placed in a mental hospital for treatment. After these adventures Angela's psyche also deteriorated and she was also sent for treatment. After that I never saw her again. That's my crazy story, my friend", my new acquaintance finished her story, but I don't regret anything, I'm proud of my status as a helmet saint.
The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable ve
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: The fiery - gehenna verdict of the "Fashionable verdict" A special day was present at the copper on the sabbath, young witches gathered , took out brooms for flying from the barn , but could not find proper outfits for them, opening their hereditary chests , they searched for dresses for a long time that should drive annoying devils crazy , tried on, rummaged through a pile of old rags, swore obscenities as if they saw a pattern of crucifixes on a corset, suffocating the chest and a waist above the hip. Well, what are you doing glamorous girls? The one-eyed sister hissed at them in an angry tone - After all, the morning is near! - - And the sabbath will end by morning! - Now I'll teach you how to dress quickly! Yesterday, in that box of fantasies of the human world, which people call "TV", I saw with a lonely eye the program "fashion verdict", which stylist Vasiliev somehow led dejectedly. So into this small screen, a Gothic fat girl, I don't know how, without crushing those present, somehow got in there. So Vasiliev and the pretentious crowd in the jury dressed the fat sides of that scoundrel in black outfits. And we, let's put on black and gloomy outfits, so that the warts are not visible under the huge hooked noses! And if you don't like our dark look, the coven party! Vasiliev will burn in hell with all the members of the jury! Then the producers of the channels will understand, it is not necessary to promote such programs and if you are present in the jury, keep in mind what a fiery - gehenna verdict awaits your opinion!
Well, sometimes my master would get a lucid moment
1560 X 1216
(1.90 MP)
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Prompt: Well, sometimes my master would get a lucid moment and become a regular obedient Soviet citizen. We only met again today, after a six-month separation, because he was in rehab for the mentally ill. The separation from his master was borne out by a rather unusual outburst of his illness. And it started out quite beautifully, and I even thought he was cured. Being a lonely man in life, he avoided
Well, sometimes my master would get a lucid moment
1152 X 896
(1.03 MP)
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Prompt: Well, sometimes my master would get a lucid moment and become a regular obedient Soviet citizen. We only met again today, after a six-month separation, because he was in rehab for the mentally ill. The separation from his master was borne out by a rather unusual outburst of his illness. And it started out quite beautifully, and I even thought he was cured. Being a lonely man in life, he avoided
Dream Level: is increased each time when you "Go Deeper" into the dream. Each new level is harder to achieve and
takes more iterations than the one before.
Rare Deep Dream: is any dream which went deeper than level 6.
Deep Dream
You cannot go deeper into someone else's dream. You must create your own.
Deep Dream
Currently going deeper is available only for Deep Dreams.