
digital painting elegant extremely detailed fantasy intricate cinematic lighting portrait very attractive beautiful fantastic view Unreal Engine matte background cinematic postprocessing headshot megan duncanson crystalline Zentangle Method pencil and charcoal line sketch Joyce Ballantine Space age, streamline, Buckminster Fuller, digital ink and paint enhancing symmetry, precision & golden ratio, angular Art of Illusion 3D shading, hyperdetailed,, cel-shaded, golden ratio, Stacked lines Stylized woodblock print, Shadow Mapping, color vibrancy, undetailed 3D effects, intricate natural lighting and shadows creating a chiaroscuro effect, soft diffused light, studio lighting Ultra fine, intricate ornamental details close-up, hyperdetalization, shadow mapping Ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, anisotropic filtering,, raytracing, shadow mapping, Alcohol ink effect. Silver, sepia and brass colour palette. Melting splash art, 3d painting, detailed splash art David Downton, Sophie Delaporte, Yvonne Coomber, Sergei Diaghilev, Tim White Upper body portrait Stylized illustration, fine strokes, cel-shading Watercolor and ink, wavery texture Dark fantasy art, tints of Sci-Fi style, Wet-on-wet watercolor painting, wavery textures,layered geometrical art Streamline_Moderne, fine streaks, tints of space age style Chiaroscuro lighting in background, dynamic lighting, brightness 1.4 1970s advertising art, highly detailed features 3d effects, brightness 1.4, dynamic lighting 1.7, anisotropic filtering 1.7, ambient occlusion 1.5, raytraced shadows 1.8, shado 35 mm fuji color film --ar 2:3 warm color palette, symbolic lighting, divine atmosphere spiritual, ethereal, cerebral, dethereal, Science-fiction illustration Sculpted, Frantically Baroque Watercolor and ink, limited pallet ,Wavery textures, muted colors, custom_loss: grey

Aspect ratio