
elegant extremely detailed fantasy intricate 8k very attractive beautiful cel-shaded Clean lines by Patrick Nagel Zentangle Method clean crisp lines & linework & shapes & angles Other-worldly beauty & mythical & golden ratio Pastel colors of light Blue, soft Hydrangea blue, clear Ice, soft lilac, Cobalt with white Tami Bone enhancing symmetry, precision & golden ratio, angular intricate, Sharp focus, depth of field, texture painting, Volumetric lighting, symmetrical oil on canvas 4K, splash dripping, splash strokes, Stylized woodblock print, Shadow Mapping, color vibrancy, undetailed 3D effects, intricate light reflections, impasto , romantic ,wet on wet watercolour textured oil painting, Grunge, muted colors, custom_loss: edge, moody, desaturated colors, Ultra fine, intricate ornamental details close-up, hyperdetalization, shadow mapping Alcohol ink effect. Silver, sepia and brass colour palette. Low key lightning, paint drips, colorful splashes,3D image effects Lovecraftian, dystopian, muted colors, ,metallic desaturated colors, hallucinatory 4k 3D, ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, anisotropic filtering, raytraced shadows Aliza Razell, Agnes Lawrence Pelton, Brandon Mably, Ed Paschke, Chiaroscuro lighting in background, dynamic lighting, brightness 1.4 Rim lighting, chiaroscuro lighting in background 3d effects, brightness 1.4, dynamic lighting 1.7, anisotropic filtering 1.7, ambient occlusion 1.5, raytraced shadows 1.8, shado pastel colors of light yellow, creamy yellow, gold, fresh mint, teal, pistachio,

Aspect ratio