
digital painting elegant fantasy intricate portrait photorealistic very attractive beautiful fantastic view Unreal Engine cinematic postprocessing cel-shaded Pastel colors of light yellow, ochre, amber, kali, beige, by WETA FX and industrial light and magic, intricate elaborate RTX enhanced CGI Stylized woodblock print, Shadow Mapping, color vibrancy, undetailed 3D effects, intricate light reflections, impasto , romantic ,wet on wet watercolour Impeccable scenery, smooth dewy complexion, proportional human anatomy, aesthetically perfect Anisotropic filtering, shadow mapping, luminous 3d effects, glistening fragments of polished glass, vitrail glass style, elusive artwork, highly detailed Low key lightning, paint drips, colorful splashes,3D image effects Iridescent accents, moody painting background, close shot, highly detailed, bright visuals Lovecraftian, dystopian, muted colors, ,metallic desaturated colors, hallucinatory thick rised impasto, palette knife, different size brush strokes, detailed pattern, thick impasto 4k 3D, ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, anisotropic filtering, raytraced shadows Juan Brufal Lithography print Instaport style Stylized illustration, fine strokes, cel-shading Streamline_Moderne, fine streaks, tints of space age style Headshot, close-up portrait, detailed skin texture Intricate ornamental details, detailed textures, multiple features Hues, high coloring 1.9, saturated colors 1.5 Layered geometrical vector art, radiance, illustrative maximalism, editorial illustrations, geometrical, brushstroke fields, graphic design-inspired illustration pastel colors of light yellow, creamy yellow, gold, fresh mint, teal, pistachio, Pastel colors of light red, Soft Coral, auburn, Warm Peach High coloring, sharpened highlights, Sharp outlines, glowing bioluminescence in vivid colors, polychromatic By Lucien Hector Monod, by Pendleton Ward, By Joan Tuset, By Margarete Keane

Aspect ratio