
digital painting portrait Unreal Engine cinematic postprocessing Margaret Keane Clean lines by Patrick Nagel Richard Serra clean crisp lines & linework & shapes & angles Other-worldly beauty & mythical & golden ratio color scheme of Kale, Gold, Rusty, Marsala, Black, Sapphire, Silver, Emerald, Baked milk, Lavender high contrast, polychromatic, ultra detailed, ultra quality Sharp focus, depth of field, texture painting enhancing symmetry, precision & golden ratio, angular anthropomorphized Stacked lines oil on canvas 4K, splash dripping, splash strokes, anisotropic filtering, highly detailed textures, colored line patterns Stylized woodblock print, Shadow Mapping, color vibrancy, undetailed 3D effects, intricate custom_loss: edge, edge_color: black, edge_thickness: 1, Acid spill Impeccable scenery, smooth dewy complexion, proportional human anatomy, aesthetically perfect Alex Grey, Jay Coby, Android Jones close-up, hyperdetalization, shadow mapping granularly line work, textures, granularly stacked lines, fusion of stylized and figurative art Raytraced, 3 layers with dof, spatiality with acceptance of Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Motion Ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, anisotropic filtering,, raytracing, shadow mapping, High coloring, sharpened highlights, Sharp outlines, glowing bioluminescence in vivid colors Miyoko Ito, Yui Sakamoto, Duy Huynh 4k 3D, ambient occlusion, subsurface scattering, anisotropic filtering, raytraced shadows soft mist,dramatic lighting, raytraced shadows, magical surrealism, Marinism, mysterious atmosphere Stylized illustration, fine strokes, cel-shading American primitive art, highly detailed Intricate ornamental details, Dark fantasy art, tints of Sci-Fi style, Vector 9:5 internally decorative, Crepuscular Luminosity, Hyper-Structured Maximalism, Colorful yam, saturated colors, high coloring 1.4 High coloring, colorful yam, color explosion

Aspect ratio