Madame butterfly (video)

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More about Madame butterfly (video)

And she wades into the lake in a heavy bejewelled ballgown. Hey Stephanie, how ya gonna swim in that? Far a moment she thrashes around wildly and screams as she gets totally disoriented and sinks to the bottom of the lake, clothes totally tangled round her. Then she elegantly rolls round and round and pirouettes like a ballerina, her heavy jewel-encrusted dress swirling around her like a bedraggled waterlily. She's enjoying this, isn't she. With a pull of her arms, she swims back to the surface to take a breath, then dives forward and kicks her beautiful high heels in the air, her long heavy dress flapping forward over her head, pulling her under again. As her hands reach the bottom of the lake, she pulls forward with her arms and does a dolphin kick, undulating back to the surface in a remarkably elegant butterfly stroke, just like a real mermaid. Luckily her beautiful dress is unaffected by her swim. I'm sure it will enjoy many more :)


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