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"Always with the negative waves, AI, always with the negative waves! Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" (with apologies to Oddball for the slight misquote)
I won't yet call this problem solved, but I *finally* got ProVideo to at least add *A* red stripe down near the hem of the skirt. Though oddly enough only one, despite the multiple places in the prompt I told it to put in a PAIR of thin stripes. I'm guessing that it was ignoring the request up to now because that starting image I'm using doesn't in fact show the hemline at all. So referring to it in my initial setup for the scene was I guess being entirely disregarded. Though why it paid attention to the boots and not wearing stockings but ignored the stripe, damned if I know. None of that was visible in the starting image, yet it consistently honors the request for the boots and bare legs, but ignores the piping.
Only giving me one may be because I said 'a pair' rather than 'two', I forgot AI is not good with numeric words... OK, really, AI is not good with much of anything other than driving people crazy by doing its own thing, but I digress. Now to see if I can figure out how to modify that prompt to get closer to the look I want. I've got some clues anyway, though given how this stuff works, once I spend a week or so figuring out these little details and go for the full walk over to the door, something entirely different will happen from mostly the same prompts. Am I being too cynical speaking from the voice of long, bitter experience, or just realistic? I can never tell.