early in the morning at the lake (a poem below)

early in the morning at the lake (a poem below)
  • Pim Pam Miro Keito's avatar Artist
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More about early in the morning at the lake (a poem below)

In the early morn at the lake's embrace,
Colorful houses stand, a vibrant grace.
Misty foggy veils the tranquil scene,
A whispered hush where dreams convene.

Soft tendrils weave through each painted hue,
Merging earth and sky in a misty brew.
Shadows dance upon the water's face,
As nature awakens in gentle pace.

The air is crisp, a touch of cool,
The world awakened from slumber's rule.
Birds chirp melodies, a sweet symphony,
A chorus of life, in harmony.

The lake mirrors the pastel dawn,
A canvas of serenity, gently drawn.
Hues of orange and pink, tender and bright,
Reflecting nature's stunning delight.

The colorful houses stand so grand,
Witnesses to the beauty, hand in hand.
Their facades, a tapestry of vibrant cheer,
Welcoming the day, and all that's near.

Amidst the mist and fog, a magical sight,
A peaceful morning, a moment's respite.
At the lake's edge, where dreams take flight,
Nature's masterpiece, bathed in soft light.


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