Active Radios

Vibrant Stylized Eiffel Tower with Cityscape and Light Waves
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1 good man, I find myself with you. Powered revolutions, signal, current, the air wave delivers melodies, sour, sweet, warm tones found in the blue.

Capturing a moment, is an artists toil, gathering the pieces a mosaic, emotions must be authentic, reality spoken, this comes through, authenticity on the menu.

The struggle is; like any character played, mask you make, persona you take, it becomes sticky. If this isn't who you are a conflict will ensue.

The trick in artistry is to know yourself, and don't allow your art to subsume the deeply personal you. The other path found is a vulnerability in the profound.

This one is a bit of a trick, for your tenderness and vulnerability is a sweetness starting in sympathy consuming velocity, care must tend, or it will be mistaken for a parlor trick. Asked nay, begged for to no end.

In this knife edge the artist path, this is why many mistake a feeling, an emotion, as their power, leading one down to treachery of self deception, heading toward the tragic fast.

This is why a private lives should be well guarded. This is why you must respect space, take notice, and give grace. For when an artist pulls from the depths of their soul, they give of themselves, borrowed against the whole.

If they are not given a time to put distance from their public persona, they aren't given enough time to reconcile with the true, they debit against their future, ill fates loom.

If you love their art, respect their way. Give them allowances to peer over the edge and return intact. To be an artist is to dance upon the knife edge heaven above, abyss below, both staring back.

A crafty one will find and know this imagination is a powerful uber note, if not respected in it menace will grow. Given a healthy rhythm one can pull from the deepest waters to quench the parched souls.

So raise glass to the dreams, artists, and believers, for in their works warmth and joy vibrates our bodies, moves our feet, makes us whole.

Loved Ever More,
Aaron Baker

PS. Warmth in blues, a nod, clink my glass lucky I found myself with you. Out of the woods we are, building momentum, our future true blue. Give me a 1000 years, I will see those, and raise you a 1000 more. For this connection transcends time, it has beckoned new worlds, it transmutes grime. It gives a new meaning to this space, and redefines this time. Life is finite, therefore reality true, I happily spend time in this garden getting to know you.

1 Radiant Blues Dedicated 4 Taylor Alison
11ov3 Aaron David
Home of the Swift Bakers


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