Celestial Dragons and Lanterns: A Cosmic Fusion

Surreal Cosmic Scene with Cultural Motifs and Symbols
  • Willy van Roosmalen's avatar Artist
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More about Celestial Dragons and Lanterns: A Cosmic Fusion

A colorful, fantastical artwork combining Chinese elements with cosmic imagery, featuring dragons, lanterns, and a figure facing a celestial chart.
I wrote the following text in the AI:
There are many ways to look at the I-ching. I personally like synchronicity. You throw sticks, coins or press buttons via the internet and ask a question that is important to you. The answer is a hexagram in which your answer can be found. I am often surprised at how it fits the situation I am asking a question about. The movement is your challenge to translate it into actions. Number 64 provided the inspiration for this doodle by the huiskamerartiest. While I write there is YouTube music on. Tito & Tarantula with the song After Dark. What comes after darkness? Hexagram 64 is called: for the consummation.
As I see it, my drawing contains a lot of energy.
I can now tie up some loose ends.


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