Part 12; Evergreen and Silver; Refuge from the Storm

Part 12; Evergreen and Silver; Refuge from the Storm
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More about Part 12; Evergreen and Silver; Refuge from the Storm

As the three huddled together in their little hole of refuge, yhey began to discuss the strange events that had befallen then lately.
"Who do you think that woman was?" Arani asked her friends.
"Probably just some lost crazy lady who has dubbed herself a queen," Kahle answered cynically.
"Oh, come on, now you're saying you think she's nothing more than that, and yet we just went off on this wild goose chase, into a blizzard, in a strange forest, at her bidding. We saw the wonders displayed in that cave. We saw her magnifiscence and grace, and the seemingly invinsibleness of her horse. Why should we doubt?"
"Why should we obey?" Kahle retorted defiantly.
"Really Kahle! I think its a little late for that question. I don't feel as if we could turn back now. Besides, I am rather dying to see just where this adventure shall take us!"
"To our graves most likely - that is, if there are any to bury us!" Kahle remarked negatively.
"Kahle, you should be ashamed of yourself, saying such a thing. I just know we'll pull through somehow. Besides, how could we just abandon this quest when that woman, Evergreen, surely needs our help?"
Kahle did not have an answer for this.
Presently, Arani became aware of Shaiya moving toward the opening of the burrow.
"Shaiya, you oughtn't go out there!" she cried.
But Shaiya did not seem to hear her. Instead she crawled out, stood up and disappeared over the top of the knoll.
The snow storm was still blowing hard outside, and Arani was afraid her friend would freeze in a matter of minutes.
"Come, we must get her back," Arani told Kahle frantically.
So, the two climbed out after the other girl.
What they saw surprised them very much.


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