Molokova Midnight Oil Milk !

Molokova Midnight Oil Milk !

Model: Artistic
Prompt:  Create a striking and futuristic drawn in Akira's Katsuhiro Otomo manga, Frank Miller's Sin City comic, Ranxerox comic and Nychos style of a HELTER SKELTER android black men sitting at a table drinking an diesel oil beer. Within the embrace of a moonlit fantasy city, a moment brimming with intriguing emotions. Bathed in the soft glow of an anamorphic lens flare, their figures stand elegantly against the backdrop of an Aubrey Beardsley-inspired artwork. The shallow depth of field casts a dreamy atmosphere, allowing their expressions to become the focal point. In the low light, their features are highly detailed, showcasing the complexity of their design, fantasy, fantastic, no corners, Kandinsky dot line drawing, highly detailed, exquisitely intricate, beautiful, clear, high quality, colorful, cyberpunk color background, Acrylic on canvas , cyberpunk color, incredibly detailed a beautiful face. Try
highly detailed smooth elegant soft diffused light ultra reallistic extremely detailed Award winning photography fantasy studio lighting intricate 8k cinematic lighting photorealistic Akihiko yoshida sensuality very attractive beautiful high detail dynamic lighting award winning imperial colors fantastic view award winning photograph hyperrealistic ultra detailed 4K 3D high definition crisp quality colourful Agnes Lawrence Pelton very cute cinematic postprocessing Greg Rutkowski H.R. Gigerd light reflections acrylic art Ernst Haeckel intricate details Jacek Yerka


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