Amos Kane (Kane Chronicles)

Confident man in blue suit and sunglasses in ornate stone pavilion
  • Felix Nau's avatar Artist
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    Read prompt
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    1yr ago
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More about Amos Kane (Kane Chronicles)

Amos was the head of the 21st Nomos in Brooklyn and took in his older brother's children Carter and Sadie after he became the Eye of Osiris. In the course of the Kane Chronicles, he studies the path of Seth and eventually ascends to his eye. In addition, after Hiskanda and Michel Desjardin's death, he becomes the supreme reading priest (the supreme mage) of the House of Life.

Amos war der Leiter des 21ten Nomos in Brooklyn und nahm nach dem sein älterer Bruder zum Auge des Osiris geworden war dessen Kinder Carter und Sadie zu sich. Im verlauf der Kane Chroniken studiert er den Weg des Seth und steigt schließlich zu dessen Auge auf. Außerdem wird er nach Hiskandas und Michel Desjardins tot zum obersten Vorlesepriester (dem obersten Magier) des Lebenshauses.


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