2D anime-style deity

Regal character with black hair, golden headdress, red gems, and glowing wings
  • 刘三天's avatar Artist
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More about 2D anime-style deity

Here are some AI painting prompts for a 2D anime-style deity:

Theme: 2D anime-style deity
Physical Features: Large and imposing physique, ornate and elaborate headdress, flowing robes or garments, otherworldly or fantastical features (such as wings or extra limbs)
Facial Features: Highly stylized and exaggerated features, including large, expressive eyes, dramatic eyebrows, and pronounced mouth
Colors: Bold and vibrant color palette, including striking contrasts and neon accents
Mood: Powerful and otherworldly, perhaps with a sense of divine majesty or awe-inspiring authority
Environment: A celestial or otherworldly setting, with elements such as starry skies, floating islands, or other fantastical landscapes
Style: A highly stylized and dynamic 2D anime aesthetic, with dynamic lines and bold shading to emphasize the deity's imposing presence.


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