The ammonite 2

The ammonite 2

#agentcane #dark #detailed #forest #glass #glowing #strangers

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  Hyper-detailed close-up portrait photography of a group of strangers climbing out of a futuristic, white-translucent polycarbonate and glass ammonite. From above, the ammonite looks like a spiral staircase buried in deep black earth. The whole scene is blurred in black, dimly lit by diffuse light, deep dark green forest with details framing the strange scene, 8k, highly detailed, realistic, extremely high quality, RAW photograph ultra-sharp, highly detailed, highres, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed 8k wallpaper, extremely clear, focus, dramatic, award winning, cinematic lighting, volumetrics dtx, (film grain, blurry background, blurry foreground, bokeh, depth of field, perfect night, interaction, Perfect textures, (masterpiece), (extremely intricate:1.3), (realistic), HDR+ Try


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