Cody's Eye And The Philosophers Stone

Cody's Eye And The Philosophers Stone
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More about Cody's Eye And The Philosophers Stone

Cody's Eye The Philosophers Stone- The elixir of life is a potion that is said to give its drinker immortality, as well as cure any disease.
The Philosophers Stone - The Need For Reconciliation
The need for reconciliation with God is based on three things: humankind is alienated from God, hostile in mind, and engaged in evil works. Alienated means to be estranged. Humankind is estranged from God. Just like the Colossians we begin life “continuously and persistently out of harmony with God.”2 This certainly implies that the Colossians were former Gentiles since Gentile believers were formerly estranged not only from God, but as Paul says in Ephesians, to the people of God: “alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).
“Hostile in mind” denotes “a conscious antagonism to the only true God.”3 Humankind is depraved in its thinking. We do not think the thoughts of God. When we say, “I can’t believe in a God who would allow tragedy to happen,” or “God is not a good God,” we are manifesting animosity in our relationship with God. The thinking that disadvantages others in order to advantage self is hostile to God’s way of thinking. The word hostile can mean “enemy.” The way men and women naturally think makes them enemies of God. We shake our fist at God and take control of our own life.
Paul then goes further, describing the Colossian’s former conduct as “doing evil deeds” or evil works. Hostile thinking makes itself manifest in evil actions. Evil behavior is characteristic of those who live in the kingdom of darkness and not in the kingdom of light. They are the works of the flesh (Gal. 5.10) not the Spirit, and they lead to death rather than life. Evil deeds are rooted in the idea that one is a slave of idolatry and sin. In contrast to their former state Paul can now pray in verse 10 that the Colossians would bear fruit in every good work. The natural way of thinking and the natural way we behave make it impossible to have a harmonious relationship with a holy God.


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