Expecto Lamprohiza splendidula!

Expecto Lamprohiza splendidula!

#boy #child #conjuring #fantasy #fireflies #magic #miracle #sorcerer #wizardry

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  Epic cinematic stunning intricate meticulously detailed dramatic atmospheric maximalist digital painting masterpiece, a cute little red-haired boy with astonished facial expression is conjuring fireflies with a magic wand. filigree, vines, flowers, fireflies, tendrils, mystical night, art by Yoann Lossel, Yigal Ozeri, vibrant colours, volumetric lighting, magical, rays of moonlight fall through the leafy canopy, kawaii, fantasy, perfect face, perfect nose, jeans, misty swamp background, dynamic lighting, intricately detailed acrylic art by Jenny Saville, Alena Aenami, Johan Grenier, Kilian Eng, crisp quality Try (79)
fantasy intricate details masterpiece 4k beautiful award winning hdr very cute magical shimmering bioluminescent glowing Volumetric lighting ©Susanne

More about Expecto Lamprohiza splendidula!

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