Ophelia at the disco (video)

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More about Ophelia at the disco (video)

One evening, Ophelia went to the local disco, where there were holding a foam party. There was an enormous foam-filled dunk tank. Ophelia climbed straight on the seat as she was, wearing all her finery, and screamed squeefully as the seat gave way and she submerged underwater, totally engulfed in perfumed foam and flowers, her boho skirt floating up around her as she sank. She pirouetted and somersaulted joyfully, her long pink hair now a tangled mess and the makeup running down her face. Occasionally she lay on her back and floated to the surface to take a breath, looking a wonderful sight as her drenched outfit clung to her, and gradually sank beneath the surface as her black leather boots filled with water and dragged her under with a delightful struggle. From time to time she climbed back on the seat, to be joyfully dunked again, her beautiful outfit covered with foam and flowers, screaming ecstatically as she submerged, bobbing up and down to the music, and doing torpedo rolls in the foam. She almost made the front cover of "Splosh" magazine. I'm sure she'll be back for more :)


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