::SHE+ILA:: -- The Buf (buffer) structure [$0C]

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More about ::SHE+ILA:: -- The Buf (buffer) structure [$0C]

A ::SHE+ILA:: Buf ("buffer") consists of a Flag (represented by the blue book at the top), containing the opcode and structure options (name table absent/present, dope vector element length, temporary state), followed by the Dope Vector (represented by the red book next down), which is the array of relative pointers to each element in the buf, followed by the Data itself (represented by the two green books below), and finally the End terminator (represented by the black book), used by the ::CKPT:: task when checking and building the dope vector, and by ::SHE:: when linearly scanning the Buf. A Buf can of course contain (as one of its elements) another Buf, and so on ad infinitum, provided that each sub-Buf is correctly "doped" and terminated. Pages will automatically be added to the segment (and the Flags adjusted if necessary) by ::FBI:: (see docs) as appropriate.


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