Sampson's Birth - Judges Chapter 13 Poem

Child with wings in golden attire in mystical ambiance.
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More about Sampson's Birth - Judges Chapter 13 Poem

In Judges Chapter 13, a tale so rare,
Of a barren woman, in deep despair.
An angel appeared with a message divine,
Of a son to be born, a child so fine.
A Nazirite, set apart from birth,
With special purpose upon this earth.
He'd be called Sampson, a mighty man,
With strength from God, anointed plan.
His mother listened, in awe and wonder,
Her heart filled with joy, like rolling thunder.
She followed the angel's instructions well,
And Sampson's birth, a miracle to tell.
He grew up strong, with God's hand upon,
A champion, who'd fight till dawn.
A Nazirite, with long hair's might,
His story told with awe and fright.
The lesson from Judges Chapter 13,
Is to trust in God's plans, though unseen.
He works in mysterious, miraculous ways,
Bringing hope and purpose, all our days.
So let us be open, to His divine call,
Like Sampson's mother, who heeded it all.
And trust in God's timing, with faith so true,
For He has a purpose, in me and you.


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